Do I have her back?

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Brie POV

I sighed walking down the corridor with a tray dressed in this uncomfortable suite.

"Oh. BRIEE."

I rolled my eyes and turned my neck to face her. "Yes Nicole?" "Can you make me some coffee? And it's Miss Bella to you" I gave her a smile it dropped as soon as I had my back to her.

"Hey..." Dean came up to me slowly looking at my outfit he then met my eyes. "Nikki" Was all I can say to make him understand. "She better be going easy on you" he said serious.

"Don't worry. She's secretly looking after me without her even knowing"

He raised his eyebrow at me.

"BRIE!" Nikki screamed making me jump.

Dean glared at her

"Where's my coffee?" She crossed her arms.

"The kettle still boiling jeez I can't just snap my fingers and poof a coffee"

"Don't get cocky with me"

I scoffed.

She slapped me.

Dean pushed me behind him. "Go" he growled. Nikki glared at him then walked away.

I had my hand over my cheek.

"Let me see" he pulled it away and kissed it.

I buried my face into his chest. How am I gonna last 1 more week?"

"You lasted 3 so I think you can do it" he said rubbing my back.

"I better give her, her coffee" I sighed.

"Be safe" he kissed my forehead.

I walked back up to Nikki with her coffee.

"Thanks" she mumbled.

"Anything else?"

"No, you can go"

"Umm Thanks.."

That's strange... What is wrong with her?

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