Part 4

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After getting yelled by Daichi and Kenny, Tyson left to go god knows where.

Imagine Kai versus the All Starz in season one( Without stealing the bit beasts)


In the stadium, a new man who went by the name the Disciple had just beat the All Starz. Everyone was shocked. Especially Judy Tate. How could a mere beyblader beat their whole team.

Before anyone could say anything, the man went back. They tried to follow him but he just disappeared.

Hilary was having a tough time deciding her feelings for Tyson. After a long debate inside her mind, she decided that she would confess her feelings to Tyson. She didn't have the courage to express her feelings in face to face so she decided to write a poem for him and discreetly give it to him.

Tyson I love you

I love your smile

That sends butterflies in my stomach

I love your brown eyes

In which I lose myself

I love your beyblading skills

I have always loved you

But you never noticed it as you're naive

You have always seen me as a good friend and an annoying brat

You have always seen me as 'The Wicked Witch of the Seventh Grade'

You have never understood my love for you

You have never tried to understand my lover for you

I will continue to love you even if you don't love me back

I will smile and be there for you always

I will let go of you

I will try

In my heart, only you are there

My love for you is eternal

I love you Tyson

Hilary then secretly put the poem next to his bed when he was sleeping.

When he woke up the next morning, he saw the poem and started reading it. Hilary hid herself in the room awaiting his reaction. Then she saw him making the paper into a ball and throwing it away. It broke her heart but she also realised that he didn't love her back. She was ok with it if he was okay to.

But what she didn't know that he had a pained expression in throwing away the precious poem. 

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