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Soo, i havent finished my modules yet here i am, doing what you guys asked since ilovehumansss lmaooooo


Staring at each other, both me and wooyoung gulped, engulfed by an uncomfortable silence.

Wooyoung started.

"Bitch quit play-"

"One is coming. He is laughing while singing birthday songs. Guess who?"

'Birthday what-'

"Who the fuck are you?"

I sweatdropped as the voice from the call laughed.

He laughed maniacally.

He's creepy as fuck.

"Tik tok, tik tok, he is smiling while holding a knife and his favorite, red balloon."

Red ballons

I mentally laughed to myself as i stared down at the phone with disbelief.

The heck, you talkin' about a clown or sum?

"Precisely, Lim."

I flinched from his satisfied voice.

Turning my head from left to right with my flashlight's phone on, the hallway seemed nothing wrong, yet the line is too pleasing to make it sound true.

Whoever you are, you don't sound nice at all.

You sound psychotic.

You sound like a danger.

"Y/N i think we meed to get out of here, come on. We'll go to the emergency room, incase that caller is joking or not." With wooyoung shakily grasping my arm, i nodded without hesitation.

Just as we took a few steps,

A quiet whistle from blowed our ears out.

Whistle, whistle, whistle..

"L-lim, d-did you heard that?"

With a shaky laugh, i hummed as i slowly turned around while rasing my phone's flashlight up.

Fuck this life.

Stood from the almost end of the hallway, a male's figure visit the light.

Even though my flashlight ain't that good at capture, i can still clearly recognize the person's feature.

He stood there, smiling while twirling a kitchen knife playfully like it's just a toy with a red balloon in his hand.

And what scares it more is,

he is wearing a messed up make up with his nose, bright red.

"You looked back. You turn away, he wouldn't like it at all."

I held wooyoung's hand tight.

"Wooyoung, don't look. Go straight to the emergency room and call some guards. Asked for help. Anyone except the patients." I whispered out with my eyes still having an eyecontact with my patient.

A small gasp escaped from my friend's lips.

"You fuckin' kidding me? I'm not leaving you here! Let's go together."

But with a tight smile, i kicked wooyoung's knee moderately, forcing him to go away.

"Go, i'll just.. .play with jake while you call for help."

ఌ︎ 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬𝑳𝒀 𝑷𝑺𝒀𝑪𝑯𝑶𝑷𝑨𝑻𝑯𝑺 ఌ︎ | 𝐄𝐍𝐇𝐘𝐏𝐄𝐍Where stories live. Discover now