You hit him by mistake

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Awsten: "give it back!" You shout down from the bedroom. Awsten had already made his way down the wooden steps and into the dining room holding your laptop. Oooo twit-ah" he mocked you."Awsten is so sexy...he is the best boyfriend ever.' And tweet!" Awsten exclaimed clearly hacking your Twitter account with tweets about himself. You had finally made your way to Awsten grabbing the laptop when you dropped it straight on his foot. "Oh no! It was an accident!" You shriek. Awsten just laughs. "I'm just gonna sit and make you nurse me back to health." Awsten smiled at you with a cheeky grin.

Otto: you and otto had been rolling around on the soft black carpet. It started out over a fight for the tv remote but ended on more of a make out session m. You lie on top of Otto hands interlocked with his. You take a break from kissing to sit up and grab the remote m. "Ow" Otto places his hand over his eye!" You ask gasping as you get off Otto and run to the kitchen to grab ice. "I have an abusive girlfriend l" Otto says with a sink placing the ice back on his eye.

Geoff: you and geoff were having a nice dinner of spaghetti and meatballs at home. There was one meatball left. Who gets it? You and Geoff stare into each others eyes with intensity. You both wanted it and and both knew it. Geoff goes for it digging his fork into it, you were not gonna have any of that. You slap the fork out of Geoff's hand. "Ahh" Geoff gives a screech. "The fork kinda stabbed my thigh.." Geoff grabs his leg in pain. You grab a cloth and wipe off the part of Geoff's leg that got stabbed with the fork. You daze into each other's eyes an laugh at this incident. Later Geoff tweets " when your GF stabs you with a fork..@Y/T/N"

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