Your Boyfriend Dies/Died

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A/N: Y/BF/N = your boyfriend's name

Awsten (BSM):

Like your heart, your boyfriend's mom broke the news to you that Y/BF/N has passed away. You tried not to cry, because you knew you had to be strong for his mom. Y/BF/N's mom is like a second mother to you and you didn't want to breakdown on the phone knowing that she gathered up the only strength she had left just to call you. You ended the call and you just lost it.

Awsten was asleep in his room after coming home from tour. You didn't want to wake him up from his sweet slumber, but you couldn't help let out loud sobs escaping your mouth and the tears streaming down your face. You heard a knock on your bedroom door and wiped your tears and said, "Come in."

The door opened and only to reveal Awsten with tired eyes looking at you sadly. He sat down next to you and engulfed you in a tight brotherly hug that you longed for. Your parents never really favored you that much. They always liked Awsten and your little sister. They liked Awsten, because he's in a famous band and is actually doing something with his life. They liked your little sister, because she's the youngest and it's understood that the youngest in the family gets most attention. All your life your parents were never there for you, but Awsten was. So when he left for tour, you were devastated knowing that you're stuck with your family without Awsten .

To say that you cried even more when he hugged you tightly was an understatement. You were shaking really bad and your breathing was uneven. Awsten noticed this and said, "Look at me, Y/N. Focus. Look at me." Still shaking, you look at him. "Copy me. Inhale, exhale." Awsten said before inhaling and exhaling slowly. You did the same thing and soon enough, you were calm.

"I was asleep and I heard you crying. Are you okay? What's wrong?" Awsten asked, his face full of worry.

"It's um, it's Y/BF/N." you said slowly.

"What did he do? Did he break up with you?! I swear if I see him I won't hesitate to punch him in the face. Do you know where he—"

"He's dead." You cut him off before he could say another word.

"Oh. I'm so sorry. I didn't know." Awsten apologized.

"Well, now you do." You said and laid your head on his shoulder. "It's so real when I say it out loud, Awsten . I don't want it to be real." Your tears never seem to end.

"It's okay. He's watching over you now. It'll be alright in the end. I'm here for you." Awsten said with a small smile.

Geoff (best friend):

You and your boyfriend have been together for 3 years now and you promised each other that after college, you'd get married. From Texas , you flew to New York City to study at NYU with the course of your choice. It was your first year of college and you miss Y/BF/N like crazy. Thankfully, your first year passed by fast, because it's now summer.

Last month, Y/BF/N began to feel distant towards you. He never called or texted or FaceTimed/Skyped you. You didn't want to pester him about it, because you're coming home anyway. You arrived at the airport and saw your best friend Geoff waiting for you.

"Y/N!! I missed you so much!" Geoff grinned and gave you a big hug. You matched the grin on his face and hugged him back. "I missed you too!" you said and pulled away.

"C'mon everyone's waiting for you at your house!" Geoff said as he grabbed your suitcases. The ride from the airport to your house was filled with joy and laughter. You finally arrived at your house. You ran to the front door with Geoff trailing behind you with your suitcases. He didn't want you to carry anything.

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