You're sick otto wood

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You wake up and rush to the bathroom before puking your guts out. You wait for a few minutes hoping that you're done and find yourself disappointed as more comes up. You wipe your mouth and brush your teeth and feel your stomach retch again.
"Not again."
You kneel in front of the toilet and empty your stomach for the third time. You wipe your mouth with a towel and lay your head down on the cool surface of the floor. There is no way you're making it back to bed, at least not without throwing up 3 times on the way there. You don't want to wake up Otto since he got back from tour and needs his sleep. You close your eyes and groan as your stomach turns inside out...
It's a force of habit. He always grabs you around the waist and pulls you closer whenever you are sleeping together. He goes to grab you and finds your side of the bed empty, he knows something is wrong. He rubs the sleep out of his eyes before glancing at the clock. 3am. It's 3am. And you aren't in bed. Something had to be wrong. He climbs out of bed and slips on some loose fitting shorts over his boxer briefs before going to look for you. His first thought is that maybe you went out for a late night burger run. You sometimes get hungry and got out for a burger or tacos, so he grabs his phone to call you. He is just about to dial when he hears it. The groans coming from the bathroom. He puts down his phone and opens the bathroom door to find you on the floor, your eyes closed. He flies into action, his first concern being you.
"Y/n?" He asks, shaking you gently.
You groan again, your eyes not opening.
"Y/n?" He says, again.
You don't respond as he picks you up and rubs out the front door. His thoughts racing every step of the way.
Your eyes flutter open and you hear what sounds like someone's voice, but you can't make out what they are saying. You look up into a familiar pair of brown eyes before darkness pulls you back under....
His heart is pounding in his ears as he walks though the hospital doors, yelling for someone to help him. He watches as the doctor rolls you to the exam room and starts to work, his thoughts are still racing. He can feel his heartbeat getting faster with each minute that goes by. He doesn't move as the doctor calls in 3 more nurses to help him. He can feel his heartbeat getting faster, he knows that they wouldn't call in help unless something is wrong. He struggles against the nurse that is trying to get him to go to the waiting room, but finally caves knowing there is nothing he can do for you.. so he waits. He paces the floor for what feels like hours as your family and friends begin to fill up the waiting room. He nods his head as the rest of the boys try to tell him that you're going to be okay. He barely hears their words of comfort since his thoughts are on you and you alone. He can't imagine his life without you, he can't imagine not waking up next to you. The thought of not having you there almost breaks his heart in two. He runs his hands though his hair, his nerves on edge as he waits for the doctors to give him news on your condition. Just when he is ready to go to the desk and demand that the nurse tells him something, the doctor walks out. The doctor explains to him what is wrong with you and for the first time all night Otto feels as though he can breathe again. You are going to be ok.
"Can I see her?" He asks, his voice filled with emotion.
The doctor gives him the ok and he walks in. His heart pounding in his chest.
A few hours later, you open your eyes. Your vision is blurry for being unconscious for so long. The first thing you notice is the tube coming out of your nose and you reach your hand up to pull it out, only to be stopped by Otto placing his hand over yours.
"Not a good idea, love," he says.
Your eyes lock with his and  you see nothing but worry reflected in his eyes. He gives you a small smile, which quickly fades as you groan and vomit whatever is left in your stomach. He takes the bowl from you and hands you a napkin.
"Do you need to call the nurse?" He asks.
You shake your head and groan again as you lay your head back down on your pillow.
"I'm fine," you croak.
"Are you sure, y/n? Because if you are feeling worse then I need to tell them," he says.
"I'm fine. Otto."
You take a deep breath and grab Otto's hand.
"So,how's life?"
Otto looks at you before laughing.
"How's life? You're lying in a hospital bed and you're asking me  how  life is?"
"Well, what else am I supposed to talk about?"
"How about you tell me why you didn't wake me up when you got sick?"
"You needed your sleep," you say.
"To hell with my sleep, y/n. You're sick, you should have woken me up," he says.
You're silent until he turns to face you. He sighs before brushing your cheek.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell, it's just that I was worried about you. I thought I was going to lose you."
"It's fine. I know how protective you are about me, Wood."
He chuckles, "I'm not that protective."
"Do you remember my friend Jake?"
You laugh as Otto blushes a bright shade of red before clearing his throat.
"This was an accident. I thought he was trying to kiss you."
"And you're first response was.."
"Was to punch him," Otto mutters.
"Exactly," you say,pointing at him.
"Point made. I just can't help myself around you though." "I know, and I love you for it."
"I love you too," he says, grabbing your hand.
You smile and squeeze his hand before looking around the room.
"So, when do I get out of this joint?" You ask.
Otto laughs again and you smile because this time when you look in his eyes, you see nothing but relief shining in them.

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