Embarrassing Their Best Friend ☆

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He was your best friend and he loved embarrassing you when it came to a guy you either liked or dated. Tonight was no different, you and your boyfriend Jake were both attending the concert tonight and couldn't be more excited to be able to support your friends.

"This song goes out to Y/N and her boyfriend!" Otto shouted into the mic as your cheeks grew red and people started to look towards you as the first few chords of the song started to play and your couldn't help but plan his death in your head.


It was your birthday so you were more than ready for the embarrassing pictures your friends and family would be posting. Of course Geoff had to take the tittle of winner after the little stunt he had pulled. He had managed to not only post a embarrassing picture but had proceeded to explain just what was happen in it.


"This right here is the picture before.." he mumbled as he turned to your boyfriend. "And this is the after.." He laughed as your boyfriend in fact couldn't help but let out a loud laugh as well.

Walking into the room you couldn't help but groan as you looked at them flipping trough the photo album you were more than sure you had hidden so no one could lay their hands on it.

"Babe why didn't you tell me you were so cute as a child.." He laughed holding up a picture of you in the bath tub as Awsten let out a loud laugh at the horrified look on your face.

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