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otto - In the early days of your friendship you and Otto would only meet occasionally, is polite and kind towards one another but that only lasted for about a month before your true colours showed. Soon you were staying over each other's houses for hours at a time, you called each other names, but in a loving way, and there was so much more physical contact. That's actually how you decided you were close enough to be best friends. He'd keep you under his shoulder, mess your hair and poke your sides showing he felt comfortable around you.

Geoff- It's funny how Geoff's habits changed drastically as you started living together. At first he was tidy, asked where the shampoo bottle was or the toilet paper but after a few months he grew comfortable in your apartment and with you, which you didn't think possible. He had a hard time sleeping if his head wasn't resting on your chest and if you didn't caress his hair out of his forehead until he zoned out and fell asleep in his favorite's girl comfortable body.

Awsten - The evolution of his voice throughout the years was noticeable as he grew accustomed to his timber of voice and capabilities. He'd often pass out solo opportunities thinking someone else could do a better job than him but with you encouraging him to dare and prove his vocal abilities; he had finally stepped up and took thrice as many solos as he did on previous albums. "I wouldn't have done it without you Y/N, you know it's true."

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