How you meet

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You were walking down the street listening to some music on your phone you weren't really paying any attention so the possibilities of you tripping over something on the ground and falling flat on your face was really big. You didn't even know where you were going and you didn't really care either. It had been a rough few months for you because you used to go out with this idiot of a guy who cheated on you so lately you had been walking outside a lot to get your mind off of things. You turned a corner and you ran right into another person making you fall on the ground. You knew this was gonna happen at some point but you were kind of hoping that it was because you tripped over something not because you walked into someone.  

"Oh I'm so sorry." The person said.

You looked up to see a guy with red  hair, black jeans, white shirt and a black leather jacket on.

"No it's ok it was my fault believe me I was paying no attention like at all." You said as you took his hand that he was holding out to help you up.

You had promised yourself to never ever get involved again with guys but you had to admit when you grabbed this guys hand you felt something.

"Well I don't want to do that thing that people always do and they go back and forth about who's fault it was so I'm just gonna let you take the blame for this one but I'm also gonna apologize again. So I'm sorry again for making you fall on the ground." He said as he smiled.

Well you weren't expecting that you actually were expecting for it to go in the movies but you were actually happy that it didn't happen because you always found that annoying.

"It's ok I'm also sorry for running into you." You said also smiling.

"I'm Awsten ." Awsten said holding out his hand again but this time so you could shake it.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N." You said shaking his hand.

"That's a very pretty name." He said as he put his hands in his jeans.

"Thanks. Do you uh maybe want my number?" You asked a little nervous. 

You weren't sure if you wanted a new relationship but you did know that you wanted to get to know Awsten more.

"Well I'm not gonna say no to that." He said with a big smile on his face. 

You smiled and wrote down your number on his hand because you did have a pen but you didn't have any paper. 

"Well uh I gotta go but it was great running into you Y/N. Let's hope that next time we see each other it will be for a different situation." He said smiling.

"Bye Awsten ." you said laughing a little.

"Hope I'll see you soon." He said.

"See ya." He said before walking away.


You walked into the music store and immediately went over to the drums
. You really needed a new one cause you accidentally broke it. Your drum kit was not fixable it was in pieces. You had accidentally let your drum kit fall from your balcony and it really was an accident you were playing with it and it slipped out of your hands and fell on the ground. Since you loved to play the drums so much you really had to buy a new one. You were looking at the drums when you heard someone say something behind you.

"You looking for a new drum kit ?" Someone asked you from behind.

You turned around and saw a guy with brunette curly brown hair, black ripped jeans and a grey shirt. You had to admit he was kind of cute.

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