You're sick otto wood (part 2)

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Burying his face further into his pillow, he blindly reaches an arm out to curl it around you. His eyes that were closed, instantly snapped open when his arm hits the mattress beneath him instead of your sleeping form. Lifting his head up, he looks over to were you usually are and finds the spot empty. Panicking, he immediately gets out of bed.
His heart is pounding in his chest. You had just gotten out of the hospital after your last scare. You had gotten sick and had passed out on the bathroom floor resulting in Otto racing to get you to the hospital. He can hear his heart pounding in his ears as he pushes the bathroom door open. A sigh of relief leaves him as he discovers that it's empty. However, the feeling of relief is brief as panic settles back in. If you aren't in bathroom then where are you? He makes his way downstairs, his thoughts racing at what could at what could have hit your head or something. He checks the kitchen and finds it empty too.
"Otto," you groan.
He moves faster than he ever thought possible. You are sitting in the middle of the living room floor, clutching your stomach. There is a scared look in your eye as you look up at Otto. He is instantly by your side, his hands pressed to your face.
"Otto, something's wrong. I don't...I don't feel good."
He scoops you up as your eyes start to flutter shut. There is no way this is happening again. The doctors said you were fine, that whatever virus you had was gone. He puts you in the backseat and jumps in the front, gunning it to the hospital.
A few minutes later...
As he bursts though the door with you in his arms, he can't  help but think back to the last time he had done this.
"Please, I need help. My girlfriend..."
He doesn't even have to finish before the nurse spots him.
"Please, it's y/n. Something's wrong. You've got to help her."
The nurse motions for a gurney and once again Otto is stuck watching helplessly as you are rolled away. He paces the floor endlessly after calling your parents and letting them know what is going on. Every time the door swings open, the looks over and hopes that it's the doctor ready to give him news on you. At some point during the night, he sits down, however, the entire time his leg is nervously bouncing up and down and his eyes are trained on the door. When the door finally swings open for what feels like the millionth time, Otto jumps to his feet. The doctor makes his way to Otto  with a grim look on his face and Otto feels his heart stop.
"Mr. wood?"
He swallows down the lump in his throat, "yes."
"The last time y/n was admitted to the hospital; did they mention about peritonitis?"
"No. What is that?" He asks.
Peritonitis is when the tissue that lines the inner wall of the abdomen that covers and supports most of your abdominal organs becomes inflamed. Left untreated. It can rapidly spread into the blood and other organs causing sepsis and multiple organ failure."
"But you guys caught it in time, right? Y/n doesn't have sepsis or anything?"
"We believe so. We won't know for sure until we run a few more tests. Because she is unconscious and listed you as her decision maker, we would like to ask your permission to start her on a round of antibiotics. Hopefully, with these? She'll recover enough for us to determine whether or not she will need surgery to get rid of any remaining infectious."
"Yeah, anything you need to do. Just make sure that she is okay," Otto says.
"I promise you, Mr.  Wood, I will do everything in my power. For right now, if you would like to see her then I can get a nurse to show you her room."
"That would be great," he says.
The next day
The Sounds of beeps fill the air as he traces circles on the back of your hand. He's exhausted but he doesn't think he could sleep even if he wanted to. Shaking his head to fight off sleep, he stands up to stretch. Glancing at the clock on the wall, he sees that it's about ten in morning. Taking a quick glance at you, he steps out to get a cup of coffee. He is still pouring sugar into this coffee when he sees the doctor who is treating you jump to his feel after looking at his tablet.
"It's room 104."
The second he hears your room number, he takes off. He gets there right as the nurse hands the doctor the shock paddles.
"Y/n! What happened? What's going on?" he yells.
The nurse holds her arm out, blocking him from coming inside.
"Sir, we are going to need you to step back."
"Sir, please."
He backs up, his eyes on the doctor trying to shock you back to life.. After the third shock, your heat rate picks back up. The doctor hands the paddles off and lifts the bed rails.
"Call the OR and tell them we are on our way. If we wait any longer, she won't make it though the night."
Otto watched as you are once again wheeled away from him.

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