Chapter 1

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Sighing Ciel, was looking out the window, frowning. She glances from the window to the front of the classroom and back to the window. She was glad that she sat in the back of the room, or else she was have been yelled at for not paying any mind to the lesson. Yawning she had noticed that the teacher had stopped talking and their was a new student standing at the front of the classroom.

Standing up in the front of the room was Sebastian was standing there looking at th the other students. But only she had caught his full attention, as the teacher introduced him to the class.

"You can sit in the back next to Ciel," the teacher told him as he waved him to the back of the room.

Nodding Sebastian calmly walked to the back of the room, as he notices some of the other girls in the class were starring at him. Getting back to his seat, he smiled at her and waved a bit.

Rolling her eye a bit, she looked away and crossed her arms. She went back to looking out the window, not paying any mind to the new body in the room. Yawning a bit she looked up to check the time, and seeing that it was almost time for lunch she started packing up her things.

Hearing the bell ring he look over at the girl who was sitting there. See that she was already packed up he watched as she stood up and left the class room. The teacher didn't even try to stop her from leaving the room. Felting a tap on his shoulder, he looked at a blonde boy with big green eyes. 

"Hello," he waved. 

Sebastian smiled a bit and waved back. 

"My name is Elliot, but you can just call me Ellie," he told him 

Nodding, he turning to him more, "Well hello there, Ellie? I'm Sebastian, who was that girl that was sitting there," he asked him. 

"Oh! That's Ciel she is one of my bestest friends. Or at least I hope she thinks I am, she usually goes to the culinary classes to get something to snack on. And she normally goes outside to eat with her friends," Elliot told him. "Do you want to come with," he added standing up. 

Sebastian thought about it for a minute and then nodded, standing up. "Actually I think I will join you for lunch," he said, thinking. Without a second thought he was dragged out of the classroom and outside to a stair well in the court yard.

Running towards a group of teenagers Elliot waved his free hand towards them. Smiling more as they just stared at him. "Hi everyone, I'd like you all to meet my new friend Sebastian," Elliot introduced him to the group. "Sebastian I would like you to meet; Baldroy, Mey-Rin, Finny and," He stopped looking around. "Wait where's Ciel," he added.

Baldroy flicked his cigarette and was first to speak up, "We were told that she went to talk with Lau about something or some shit like that, that's she'd be down in a bit." Baldroy looked to Finny and Mey-Rin who were nodding.

"Yeah, Lau sent Ran-Mao down with a note, yes he did," Mey-Rin added taking off her glasses to clean them. "He was probably caught selling things," she added.

Elliot was in awe, "Oh okay." He smiled and sat down next to finny on the stairs. "Sebastian come sit down," he said patting the spot next to him. 

"No it's alright, I was actually was wondering if you all could tell me more about Ciel," he asked. 

"And what would that be," a voice came from behind Sebastian, causing him to jump a bit.

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