Chapter 4

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Watching her put her phone to her ear, he tilted he head a bit. "Who are you calling?" 

Not answering him, she waited for the person on the other end of the phone to answer. 

"Hello Miss Ciel," Mey-rin answered her phone. "What can I do you for?" 

"What took you so long to answer?," Ciel asked. 

"Sorry miss, my phone was down at the bottom of me bag, yes it was," Mey-rin told her quickly. 

"Alright, whatever! Earlier I handed you my planner, can you tell me what the rest of my day looks like?," Ciel asked her, glancing at Sebastian. 

Mey-rin nodded, "Just a sec, let me pull it out." Going into her bag she dug for Ciel's planner. Pulling out the little black book, she opened up to the page that the blue ribbon was holding. Reading off the rest of the day for Ciel, she waited for her to answer. 

"Very well, call and cancel the rest of my appointments will you," She ordered. 

"What would you like me to tell them?," Mey-rin asked taking off her glasses to clean them again. 

"Tell them that I am sorry," she sighed pausing. "That something has come up, that I have to attend to, and that you will reschedule their appointments to when ever they are free, do I make myself clear?," she asked. 

Sebastian watched as Ciel talked on the phone, confused on what she was talking about. 

"Yes Ma'ma!," Mey-rin said hanging up. 

Looking at Sebastian, she finally spoke to him, "Your appointment has be moved to today. Hearing that you wouldn't be properly dress, is unexcusable. Beside I think my father would flip if he saw how you are dressed now!" 

"What does your father have to do with anything," he asked her. 

"You'll find out in due time, newbie." she put her phone back into her bag.

"And your friends, you treat them like they are servants," he pointed out to her. 

"You wouldn't understand, if I even tried to tell you everything," she said. 

"Than try," he said sitting down on the edge of the well. 

"Baldroy was an army brat, no one listened to him. So he went rogue, and he ended up on my door step, bleeding. He was trying to hide from something, but he never told us what it was. Mey-rin was hired to kill my father, but before she had the chance, she fell a tree and broke her arm and leg. Finnian or finny ran away from a testing facility, and he was running on the side of the road. I remember my father having the car stopped, so he could talk to him.," she stop taking a deep breath. 

"They are all connected because of your father," he asked. 

"My father gave them a second chance at life, he had them trained and everything. They feel they owe my family, so I am just letting them feel like they are paying him back," she said, looking at him. 

He nodded, the only thing that he understood was that her father was the raise they were their. But he still had more questions for her. Keeping quiet, he remember that everything else he wanted to know would be answered later. 

"You should really be getting to class, newbie." she told him. 

"So should you, but your still sitting here," he chuckled, looking around the clearing. "It's nice here, how did you find this place?" 

She looked at the ground, "My father showed me, this is where he spoke to my mother for the first time, with out any one else to bother them." 

"Oh," he looked at the ground to see what she was staring at. 

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