Chapter 12

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Smiling Vincent didn't turn around to face the person. "This should be interesting....... Don't you agree Ciel?"

Leaning against the wall, she crossed her arm, "and how do you know I'm not someone else?"

Glancing over his shoulder at her, he still had a smile on his face. "Because I know you, never to far but never to close," he simply stated.

"Well that's how you stay alive in," she said as she walked closer to her father.

"Is that really how you see it?" He questioned her as she came closer.

"Of course, especially with places like school. One spill of the tongue to the wrong person and it will spread like wildfire." Her tone stayed serious as she looked up at her father.

"And what would happen if you took a break? Or I don't know try to be a normal teenager for once... you know break the rules even if it's just for a little while?" Vincent question as he was worried for his daughter and how antisocial she was towards other people that she didn't know. Thinking that Sebastian would actually be a kind of help to getting Ciel to break down the walls that she had built up.

"You're joke, right?" Ciel asked not know what was going through her father's head. She just knew it could be anything. "You know I'm not one of your partners for your business, right. I know exactly how you work people into thinking that's what they need or what you want to happen." 

"I don't know what your talking about," Vincent said innocently to her. 

She smiled a bit and let out a soft chuckle, "Of course you do, you've taught me everything I know."

Vincent smirked as he reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Is that what you really think? Because there is still so much you don't know and that I haven't taught you." Seeing her eye widen a bit, he knew he had her full attention now. Bring his hand up to her face, he gently cupped her cheek and leaned down kissing her forehead. As he brought his voice down to a whisper he sighed a bit. "But I can't teach you everything till I know your completely free."

"....completely ... free?" She said as she repeated him as she became a bit confused. "Father what do you mean by that, completely free?" She asked wanting to know what he was talking about. 

He could see the confusion on her face, seeing that she wanted the answer was clear as day to him. Of course he had it, but he wasn't going to give it to her because it would be to easy. Knowing if he did tell her, she would do exactly what he would tell her and where would the fun be in that. "I'm sorry Ciel, but this is one answer I can't give you," He simply told her. 

"What do you mean? You can't give it to me!" She furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at her father.

He liked watching people struggle and he did used this same tactic in his everyday business scenario. And seeing that this was his daughter, this would prove to be interesting and slightly entertaining. "Just think about it, it's not that hard after you start to figure it out." 

"If you know it and it's so simple, why don't you just tell me then!" She demanded to know his reason for not telling her.

Moving his hand he gently patted the top of her head, "Your a smart girl, dear. I'm sure you have it figured out soon." Ruffing her hair a bit, "besides let's think of this as a game. It wouldn't be fun if I just told you what to do."

"A game?" She pushed his hand from her head. As she was about to protest, she closed her eye and thought about it for a second. Smirking a bit Ciel looked at her father again and put out her hand. "Fine, but we go by this term. If I can't figure out this 'simple' task in a certain amount of time, you have to tell me." 

Vincent blinked a bit as he was shocked by her sudden change of heart, but smirked a he took hold of her hand. "And if you do figure it out?" 

"Simple, you teach me everything you know. Meaning all your tricks and mind games that you use on your colleagues, of course I'll need to know them anyway for when I take over the family business," Ciel said in a serious tone. 

As he listened to her reply and thought about it for a second, he nodded. "That seems fair and that is true, you will eventually take over the business," he said as he shook her hand. 

"Good, then let the game being," Ciel said as she shook his hand in return as watched a he nodded in agreement. 

"I'll let you know how long you'll have for in the next two day then. But in the mean time, we have guest over and he probably got himself lost again," Vincent reminded Ciel that Sebastian was still in the house looking for her.

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