Chapter 16

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Sitting back at the table, Ciel smiled seeing Tanaka bring in the dessert cart. Looking at the cart she saw a big slice of chocolate cake. "Tanaka, maybe I please have the slice of chocolate cake?"

Vincent smirk, "now what if I wanted the piece or I guest did?"

Looking over at her father, she glared at him. She wasn't about to play his games with him because this was a serious matter to her. "I will fight you..... both of you before I let you take MY piece of cake!" She watched at Tanaka placed the piece in front of her.

"Well that's not very lady like of you," He kept a grin on his face.

"Than maybe you should learn how to act like a lady. Maybe I'll just take after you." She was not amused and she wasn't going to let up on her sarcasm, just because there was someone else there.

"Oh ha ha very funny." Vincent fake laughed at her.

Sebastian watched and listened as the two Phantomhives bickered like two little kids, fighting over a toy. He wondered if it was always like this in this house hold. At least he knew he didn't fight like this with his cousin or he hope he didn't.

"Maybe you should start acting your age!" Ciel said to her father.

"I will when you do." Vincent was just sitting there toying with her.

Noticing how Vincent was just smiling as keeping his calm composure as they talked. Sebastian figured that, Vincent was actually enjoying watching his daughter throw a hissy fit.

"Don't try and mock me!" Ciel crossed her arms and looked away from him. "It's not my fault your so childish!" She added.

"I guess you take after you father then, because you're just like me." Vincent said as he got his slice of cake. He smiled as he didn't hear anything come from her. Picking up his fork, he smiled as he knew he had one this fight and that she probably didn't have anything else to say on the matter. "Sebastian how are you enjoying your cake?"

Sebastian jumped a bit, as he was kinda just there awkwardly eating the slice of cake that was set before him. "Oh it's fine, sir."

"That's good, and what about at the school, I heard my little Ciel was being a bully."

Ciel coughed as she looked up from her cake, "excuse me!"

"Ciel, you have chocolate on your face." Vincent said to her as if she hadn't said a word. He smiled as he heard grumble something as she wiped her face. Teasing her was one of the many things that he saw as funny. Seeing how long it would take for her to explode, was just a little game that he played. 

"Father, I'm going to have to remind you we have a guest. Do mind you manners." Ciel said to Vincent as she tilted her head to the side and smiled. 

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