Chapter 6

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After a waiting for some time a limo pulled up. Stepping out of the front was an old man. Walking towards the the two teenagers, he smiled.

"Grandpa," Ciel said.

The old man smiled and opened the door for them.

Ciel got into the limo and moved over and looked at Sebastian.

Sebastian climbed in, sitting across from her, beside her.

Closing the door, Tanaka walked back to the front of the limo and got in.

Pushing a button beside her, she spoke out loud, "to the mall please."

Out of the speaker came out a voice, "ho ho ho."

Sebastian looked at her in confusion, "that's your grandfather?"

Looking at him again, she laughed a bit. "No, but he has been working for my family for his whole life." She smiled and leaned back in her chair, "besides I've always called him that," she informed him.

"What's his actual name," Sebastian asked her, wondering if she actually knew his name.

"Who grandpa's? His names Tanaka," she said, raising an eyebrow.

Nodding, he would try to remember that.

"I'm curious how do you get home," she leaned.

"There's a bus stop not far from here, so I walk," he told her.

"And you walk to the bus stop and from it," she asked.

Nodding, he gave her a confused look. "Let me guess you never to a public bus before," he asked.

"I've taken the bus before, on field trips we have to take buses," she said in protest.

"If you say so," he leaned back in his seat.

Eventually the ride was over, and Tanaka opened the door for them.

Getting the out of the limo, Ciel looked to Tanaka before she spoke, "go park the car and I'll call you when we are done. And if my father calls tell him, I was helping a new student who will be coming over to the manor."

Tanaka nodded, "ho ho ho."

She smiled, and thanked him as she looked at Sebastian who was now standing next to her. Turning she walked into the mall, grabbing Sebastian's hand in the process. "Come on newbie, let's make this quick," she said glancing over her shoulder at him.

Nodding Sebastian had her bag in his other hand. Looking at their hands, he smiled a bit.

As they walked towards the a men's formal wear store, she heard people awing at them causing her to blush a bit.

Once they were in the store, she looked around. Seeing a few suits that would look nice on him, she glanced at him. "Is there any that you like, or any colors in particular that you like," she asked.

Looking at her, he shrugged, "Just black I guess."

After a few minutes a sales men walked up to help them, but he wasn't much help. Only because he was picking out, horribly ugly colors.

She pinched the bridge of her nose, she walked away and looked around on her own. Seeing a black suit with a charcoal shirt with it, she saw the tie was black. Picking up the suit, she walked over to the sales men and Sebastian. "This one. Try this one," she said handing it to Sebastian.

Taking the suit, he looked at it as he walked into the fitting room. Getting changed he walked out, and walked over to the mirror. "It's nice," he said as he looked at her.

Walking over to him, Ciel untied the black tie, and put a red one in its place. "Now look," she said to him.

Looking in the mirror, he smiled, "they touch of red was random but okay."

Rolling her eyes, "it was only cause of your eyes. Depending on the lighting they look red sometimes!"

The salesmen had to agree with her.

"Go grab your clothes," she said pulling the sales men aside and started talking to him.

Sebastian sighed and grabbed his clothes and folded them. Walking out of the fitting room, he saw Ciel and the sales men talking, he watched as his eyes widen and brighten a bit. Raising an eyebrow, he walked over to them.

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