Chapter 5

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At her feet there looked to be a little grave stone, she was looking down at as she tried hold back a tear. "There's nothing else you need to know."

Looking over it he glanced up at him. "Alright, I won't ask any more than," he told her.

Nodding she walked over to the well and picked up her sketch book. Putting it into her bag, she looked at him. "Let's go," she said

Raising an eyebrow he stood up, "and where are we going exactly? I mean you already said that your not going to class."

"No duh it not to class! I'm not going to be surrounded by idiots for the rest of the day. And besides have you been shown around the school," she said to him.

"No I haven't, those I was dragged to the stairs by Elliot if that counts for anything," he said bluntly.

"No it doesn't. Than it settled, after I show you around the school we are going shopping," she said clapping her hands together.

"If that's what you think we should do," he said, not wanting to upset her.

"Than follow me," she said picking up her bag and walking towards the school.

Walking up next to her, he grabbed her bag from her and put it over his shoulder.

Feeling her bag being taken from her, she looked at him and smiled. She was glad, he was at least a gentlemen and was holding her bag for her. She began thinking to herself as they walked.

Sebastian looked around the grounds of the school, he glanced at her from time to time. "Something that matter," he asked, breaking the silence.

Looking at him, she shook her head, "nothing is the matter I'm just think."

"About what if I may ask," he was curious.

"How did you get into this school again," she was trying to change the subject.

"Oh well I have high grades and being ahead of my class. My old school decided that I need more of a challenge so they sent me here," he informed her. "Can I ask you something," he looked at her again. 

She looked at him and nodded to him. 

"Why are you wearing an eye patch," he asked her. 

She stopped walking and looked at him, "I'll explain that later. After we are done shopping and we are at my home." 

Nodding he looked at her and looked back to the surround area of the school. 

Once she was done showing him around the school, she knew more about him, than he knew about her. "Can I have my phone," she asked putting her hand out. 

"Of course," he answered, reaching into her bag and pulled her phone out, handing it to her. "Here you go," he said to her. 

"Thank you," she said taking her phone from and and dials in a number. Calling for a ride, she wait for someone to answer. When someone did she requested that someone come pick her up.

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