Chapter 3

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Not noticing him, she kept walking. Her hands were folded behind her back as she walked towards the woods that surrounded that back of the school. She hummed softly to herself as she continued to walk, stopping at the edge she looked around to make sure she wasn't getting followed.

Seeing her stop, he looked around for a place to hide. Finding a place, he quickly hid in a bush and peeked through it, seeing her turn and look around. Watching as she walked into the woods, and disappear from sight. Standing up he ran towards the woods and continued to follow her. He was lonely following her, because he was curious on where she was going. 

After a few minutes of walking, she stopped at a clearing. The clear contained an old looking well and an old run down pavilion, that looked like it was about to break to be honest. She smiled sitting on the edge of the well and took out her sketch book. She looked around, and thought of things she could draw. Finally getting an idea, she looked down and started sketching.

Walking closer to her he watched as she drew.

"I know your there," she said out loud to him.

Sighing he came out of hiding, and walked out towards her. "How did you know?" 

Looking up at him she put her pencil down. "I have people, and I have enemies. And no matter what I will still have eyes on me no matter what," she informed him.

He raised an eyebrow, "Enemies? Why would a nice looking girl like you have enemies?"

She laughed a bit, "You wouldn't be saying that, if you knew my family and what we do. But I already told you, that I would tell that all that tomorrow." She took a deep breath and sighed.

"Who told you I was following you?," he was curious. 

"Lau had Ran-Mao text me, and Elliot texted me too. He's really taken a liking to you," she told him. "I'd always would watch out. He's a hugger," she added putting her sketch book down. "He's like a leech, he won't let go." She looked at him again, standing up. 

"Thanks for the warning, I'll keep that in mind. Don't you think we should be getting back to class?," he asked her. 

She shook her head, "I'm ahead so they don't care, but maybe you should, newbie." 

He sighed, "Really, you know my name." 

"I know, but you haven't errand it yet." She walked over to him and poked his chest, "so until then your newbie, got it!" 

Not wanting to fight with her, he nodded. 

She smiling a bit, glad that he got the picture, "Good, now what's with these regular regular clothes. This is a high school the gifted, it's not an everyday school," she sighed. 

He looked down at his t-shirt and jeans, "Sorry I don't really own any suits or ties, princess." 

Narrowing her eyes a bit, she pulled out her phone. "Excuse me?," she questioned him. 

"What else am I supposed to call you. You act like a princess and I don't know your name," he told her. "Well Elliot said the name Ciel but I don't know who he is!" 

Her jaw dropped a bit. "That's cause I'm Ciel, clearly you need to pay attention more, newbie!"

His eyes widened a bit, he frowned realizing his mistake quickly. "I am so sorry, I just thought that...," he was cut off by her. 

"Whatever, what's done is done. You know now and that's all that matters!," she sounded irritated, as she dialed a number into her phone and suck it up to her ear. 

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