Chapter 11

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Letting out a long sigh, Sebastian pinched the bridge of his nose. This had not gone the way he had expected, he didn't think she would get upset from something like that. Thinking as he walked, he figured whatever it was that was in the clear was close to her. Since he was caught up in his thoughts, he wasn't watching where he was going. Bumping into a someone, causing him to stop in his tracks. Looking up a bit, Sebastian quickly took a few steps back. Seeing that it was the head of the Manor standing there.

"What are you doing in this part of the manor?" Vincent asked fixing his jacket.

Sebastian opened his mouth to say the rest, but quickly closed it to think over what he was actually going to say. "Well you see sir, I had asked Ciel a question and she simply ran off with out saying a word. I was going to give her some space, but the worry got the better of me and here I am now searching for her," Sebastian explained it as shortly as he could.

Crossing his arms, Vincent because curious to what he had asked his daughter. "And what was it that you asked?"

"What I asked?" He repeated him. "I asked about the stone that looks like a tombstone that's in the clearing at the school sir."

"I see," Vincent nodded a bit. "It's just a marker, I have it stuck there for the memory of her late mother. We used to have picnics there," he said.

"Her mother has passed?" Sebastian asked not wanting to get to into the subject.

"Yes when Ciel was younger they were in a car crash," Vincent simply stated.

Frowning Sebastian looked down, "I'm so sorry, I had no idea..." He was cut off the Vincent.

"You didn't know, it's as simple as that," Vincent said to him as he patted his shoulder. "You should probably wash up soon," He said to him, pointing him into the direction of the closest bathroom. "The third door on the right and then just go down this hallway like you came but turn left at the double doors." Vincent added, telling Sebastian the way to the dining hall.

"Thank you sir," Sebastian said bowing his head. Turning around he made a quick retreat to the bathroom as he didn't have anything else to say.

Vincent chuckled as he watched the boy almost run in the other direction, slightly hearing someone walking up behind him.

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