Chapter 15

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Looking at the door, something rare occurred on Ciel's face. She smiled and stood up, "Sebastian!"

Sebastian jumped a bit and looked at her in confusion. "Yes?"

"I'm not talking to you!" She said looking at him.

"Than who are you talking too?" He tilted his head a bit.

"I'm talking to my dog," she walked passed him and knelt down to pet the dog. Who waged his tail as he was petted.

"Well I didn't know that!" Sebastian stated as he watched her.

Vincent smiles and went back to the table. "So which animal do you prefer, cats or dogs?" He asked looking at Sebastian.

Having his attention pulled to the older gentleman, he didn't really think about it to much. "Cats," he said hearing a huff come come from Ciel.

"Listen to them Sebastian going on to talk about those horrible things, like two elderly cat ladies." Ciel mumbled to the dog just loud enough for the other two to hear. "What a shame." She was sitting on the floor as she continued to give the dog all her attention.

"That was cruel, I'm not elderly nor do I look it." Vincent stated as he looked over at his daughter.

"You have no room to talk," she didn't looked over at him. "Besides I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to Sebastian. Maybe you'll learn something from him."

Sebastian had given her a puzzling look, since he had turned his attention back on her. "You're telling you father to learn from a dog? What exactly are your trying to prove?"

"Maybe how to listen, and maybe a few tricks." She looked down as to dog out his head on her lap.

"I think it's time for dessert!" Vincent said as he rang one of the bells. He looked at Sebastian, "she gets bitter if she doesn't get her sugar."

"I do not!" She looked up at her father and narrowed her eyes. "But I would like some chocolate cake." She petted Sebastian's head causing him to wage his tail.

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