Music to one's ears

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Yep after so long again I am back

Let's jump ! Not into well but into story. Some particular friends of mine would jump into well without listening whole sentence (eg: my mitruuu)


All kurus were seated in the sabha including  vritika, karn, anwita and mayank. The pranksters( vritika, karn, anwita,mayank and bhanumathi) were controlling their laugh by biting their lips seeing condition of shakuni who was struggling to speak and even turn his head.

"so now we are here so we request to give our jyesth his rights of being the eldest and throne of yuraj" arjun said making vritika and duryodhan scoff at the same time. "what happened vriti? why are you giving that expression?" karn whispered. "why? these fellows are hell bent to ruin the peaceful environment" she sulked making him smile " Says the person who always likes fuss around her" karn teased her.

"Have you seen expression of duryodhan? he is sulking like a baby whose candy has been snatched" vritika said eyeing duryodhan "yeah! it's true but we can't do anything now yudhisthir also have equal rights as duryodhan and you can't deny that" karn said making her nod

"who said there can't be a middle ground" vritika smirked eyeing vidur and bheeshm "don't say you have some plans in your mind" karn asked her out of suspiciousness. She just returned a smirk in answer.

"Even i think maharaj that this topic has been neglected since long and I want tatshree to present his decision infront of all" vidur said making bheeshm stand up "I have found that both are eligible of being next yuraj so in order to find a middle ground we have came up with the decision of land division half part will be ruled by duryodhan and half part by yudhisthir and we request pandavs to select the half part of the kingdom they want" he announced making every go in shock stage except vritika and vidur.

It took time for all of them to understand what he just meant "Tatshree are you sure of this decision won't create any problems in future" maharaj asked him "no maharaj it won't because if they stay together will create rift and ego and jealousy between the cousins and we have already seen it how the results were and according to me i think it is the better decision" he concluded.

"Then be it pandavo you can choose which part of the hastinapur you need" maharaj said "Maharaj we will let you know our decision  once we among ourselves and our family" yudhisthira said when shakuni was trying to speak something but miserably failed to say anything.

"Then the court adjourned" maharaj announced and moved down out of the room bheeshm came towards vritika kept his hand on her head "you have done a great job behena agh! do you know how much peace I am feeling now. Shankuni's silence in like music to my ears" he said making her giggle but suddenly she felt something was happening with her she couldn't see anything properly her world was collapsing in meek of time bheeshm and karn grabbed her.

"vriti" "vriti" "open your eyes" karn and bheeshm yelled hearing their voices everyone's attention shifted towards them all panicked to see vritika fainted.

Karn immediately lifted her and ran out of the court room to their room and called raj vaidya. Karn was in total mess seeing his life line without any moment laying in his arms. As soon as vaidya came and started to check her and requested him to move away from the room but he was adamant to stay behind his with wife.

"Putr listen to them" bheeshm said though his voice was cracking a bit "no mahamahim I don't want to leave her" he said making them sigh.

"Samrat there is nothing to worry it's common in this type of condition. You have to be extra careful from now on" Vaidya said making him confuse.

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