TWENTY-SIX ; garage sales

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@olivebailey: garage sales <3

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olive had always loved garage sales. she admired all the furniture, clothes, and nic nacs. they were her treasure as they were someone else's trash. 

the brunette hadn't been out of the house, or room rather since coming home that night. the night that she saw hurt basically bleed from clay's green orbs. the way he insulted her hurt, but she believed that she deserved it. 

the only way katie could think of getting olive to leave her room was to persuade her into going to garage sales around orlando. when the blonde best friend walked into her room to ask, she was met with a smell of a not showered olive and the smell of regret. which she didn't even know that was possible. katie also confused as to why a make-shift bed was set up on the floor. to which was explained when olive complained that "her bed smelt too much like clay". and every time she would catch a scent of him she would relive the moment again and again. and she would rather have back problems from the floor than to watch that night on rewind. 

olive finally gave into leaving, katie doing a fabulous job at persuading. but it was more like picking the brunette up and carrying her to the bathroom, as she needed a shower desperately. 

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