Chapter Twenty One

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a/n: hey guys! I hope you're still enjoying the story so far! I'm about to start working again so updates might be slow :( but we still have plenty more for this one hehe!

My eyes flutter open to bright lights over my head. I feel my body heavy against the extra warm sheets of the bed. My bed? This isn't my bed. Where am I?

I glance down at my arm where an IV is placed in my vein. Am I at the hospital? I hear some voices but they are all jumbled as some ringing erupts. I try to sit up but a hand quickly touches my chest, sending me back down.

"Don't sit up. You're weak."

Lucien? Is he here? I feel my eyes squinting. I glance to my left and see a blurry version of my brother sitting in a chair beside me. He has his hands in fists and a concerned expression resting on his face. He nudges someone and I see a white coat rounding the chair to reach me.

"Elenour? Are you alright, love?" The doctor's kind voice enters my ear.

I nod slowly. "I'm tired. I'm sorry."

"That's okay dear. I'm going to check your vitals really quick and then you can rest some yeah?"

I nod in response once more. She comes into my full view and everything is less blurry. She shines her flashlight in my eyes and tells me to look around. She checks my pulse and blood sugar. She writes stuff down and then hands me another fluffy blanket to put over me.

"Where's Mason?" I blurt put as the doctor walks outside for a moment.

Lucien looks at me and grimaces. "Wherever cowards go."

I look down at my hands. The memories of his face as I confronted him pop through my brain. I wonder what he's feeling right now? I feel a soft tinge in my head and I let go of the thought.

"Where's Nick?" I remember being in his arms.

"Outside with the rest of your friends." My brother sighs. "They're in the waiting room."

"How'd you find out?" I look at him from my sleepy position.

His eyes are dark and droopy. He looks skinny. Skinnier than usual. His jacket is three sizes too big around his bony shoulders. His hair is shaggy and dark against his pale skin. His cheeks look sunken in- and his teeth yellow like the sun. If I wasn't laying in the hospital bed, I'd think we were here for him.

"Billy called me." He fiddles with his thumbs. "I was...out. I called mom but she didn't answer, so I came."

I let out a heavy breath. The doctor comes back in the room and shoots me an apologetic smile.

"Your vitals are good, love. It seems you had a panic attack. Sometimes nosebleeds can be caused by severe stress, so that's why you were bleeding. Nothing is wrong internally nor externally."

"Oh." I sigh.

"Have you had one before?"

"No." I shake my head. "This is my first time."

"Well they can be presented in different ways. Big and small. Different symptoms and different outcomes. We'll be sending you home with some medicine but if you have more, please make sure to see your physician."

She pauses before continuing. "I'll be writing you a note in case of work and school so you can rest for the next couple of days. I'll give you a folder with some tactics to help with panic attacks and some therapists in practice with us in case you'd like to pursue that."

"Thank you." I force a smile at her.

"Would you like me to tell your friends to come in?" She asks.

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