The wedding (reasons)

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Natasha's POV
I'm so nervous right now, the wedding is in one day and Clint and I left it all up to Pepper, I hope she did a great job. If she didn't I would be so mad, I would most likely end up shooting her until she is so close to dying that Steve would have to come and strip me of my gun and make Fury lock up all of the artillery rooms, so even I can't get in. We like to call that "code red and black." Yeah I know ridiculous right. It wouldn't have to be like that if they understood that I need to Chanel my anger out faster than the average person. Clint understands that, that's one of the reasons why I love him so much.

For my vows, which I have yet to right because I have been having major anxiety attacks because of the wedding. I had to go to Tony for help. I think that is a little desperate, but Tony can now control his anxiety so I've been going to his and Steve's floor for some help.

Anyway back to the wedding part of everything, Pepper let me wear the black and red dress. I think it would go great with the bridesmaids dresses which are black with a red sash and red roses. My dress is pretty much a black dress with red around the torso area with white roses for my flowers. The men are wearing purple ties on top of a white shirt, the suit jacket is black and a corset that is also purple with a hint of white to match my flowers. Clint is wearing a white suit jacket though, he did that because he wanted show his purity and his commitment to the relationship. I think that is very admirable considering that he is marrying me the most stubborn person on the face of the earth.

Clint came up to my room this morning to make sure I am fine but I have also been getting morning sickness, and weird food cravings. After the wedding I am going to take a certain test just to confirm my theory. Clint will be there with me so I won't have to go through all of the trouble of whether I should tell him or not.

----------wedding time----------

I walk down the aisle to see Clint smiling and trying not to tear up. I get up to the front he takes my hands into his own and the priest starts with his speeches. I got so lost in Clint's eyes and him telling me the cute little things, like " you look beautiful, " or " I love you." He knows just how to make me tear up. That is also another reason why I love him. Anyway I got so lost I didn't hear the preacher say it was my turn to say my vows, I have decided on doing 50 reasons of why I love Clint.
' Clint I love you and for my vows that I have prepared i decided on saying 50 reasons on which I love you for.'

' 50, you cheer me up when I am down in the dumps, 49, you understand me, 48. Your hair is lovely, 47. Your cooking is not the best but I still love it........ 31. You never give up.............. 20. I end up getting lost in you grey eyes constantly.........3. You taught me to never give up, but loving me, 2. You chose to marry me, lastly the number 1 reason why I love you is, you are you and that's truer than true there's no one alive more youer that you. I love you.'
I seen Clint mouth out the last few words to him self smiling and crying, happy tears of course. Next was Clint.

" Natasha from the first day I saw you till today you have brought me happiness, you brought me out of my shadows. If you didn't do that I don't know what I would do without you. You are the light in my cave, bow to my quiver, pan to my cakes, and I love every part of you. The thing that I love most is that you stuck with me through all of my mess ups. I also love that you said yes to marrying me. When I was younger and still in the circus." I see him shudder as he stops for a second." I thought to my self constantly that I would never find someone to love me, let alone marry me. I love you."

That was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard in my life. Clint always knows how to touch people's hearts.
" you may kiss your bride."
It was a slow passionate kiss, to show the seal to our marriage.

The reception was amazing, Pepper ordered marvellous food, we had steak with baked potatoes, some drinks were champagne, wine, water, pop, and a bar. The cake was the best part, it was a tri-layer cake with white fondant and drop lines around it. On top was me and Clint in our uniforms from a toy store. I loved it. This has to have been the best night of my life.

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