Authors note

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Hello to all my readers who have stuck though with me until the end. I know I haven't been able to post for the last two months and that's because my teachers have drove me crab with assignment after assignment and that the chapter before this note was the final chapter. Yeah sad I know but I just have no time, I'm going to be in Alberta for a week and then I have graduation a couple weeks later. In the summer I have a job and then I have high school, so I really had no time for this book. However... I have to right a short story and I'm going to post it on here after I hand it in and I want you guys to give a grade. The story is not marvel related though I'm sorry but I had a different idea and it's a good one. When I post it it's going to be called "the crack" it's not going to be very long so I hope you enjoy. Anyway I hope that you all enjoyed this book and I hope I have inspired some of you to creak one or more on your own.

Over and out

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