First Day

71 4 1

April 8 2028

The abyssal fighter craft flew through the rainy clouds without much trouble. The overcast, rainy  sky had been prevalent since the 6th, this wasn't a surprise to anyone. It was monsoon season and the ancient yearly rain had returned once again to shower South Asia with water and wind. 

As the fighter flew under the rainy clouds, it was buffered by rain and wind as it descended toward sea level. As it broke through the low rainy clouds it saw it, the human invasion fleet. And soon, an air strike would be upon them, and the invasion fleet would be driven back into the sea. Before it could send anything, so much as a hint, it was hit with a small barrage of bullets, and caught fire in the rain, as it spun uncontrollably towards the water, two fairies in their Corsair fighters watched as the fighter disappear behind a geyser of water. 

The fairies circled before reporting back to Autumn that the abyssal fighter had been destroyed above the invasion fleet. Autumn nodded. 

Autumn's thoughts: One less scout to worry about. 

The 13th battle group under the command of Akagi was covering the invasion of Borneo west coast, specifically Bajau and Kura Kura beaches on the island and thus far they had encountered little resistance form the Abyssals or anyone else who would be left on the island, which Autumn hoped was a good thing. Meaning that they wouldn't have to stay for too long in the stormy weather. 

Not only that, but it was too warm for his liking, and even though he wished that he could ditch his jacket, it was keeping him dry in the rain, and compared to the rest of his compatriots they didn't have the ability to stay dry like him. Which reminded him to talk with Admiral Johnson about procuring rain coats for the others. 

Autumn: How are you holding up on your end Akagi? 

Akagi: Everything is going as planned, you? 

Autumn: Everything on our end is normal, invasion forces are offloading from their landing docks and are slowly proceeding inland. Thus far I have also shot down a Abyssal scout, so be ready for any aerial strike. 

Akagi: Thanks for the heads up, over and out. 

Autumn turned his head to the others in his group. Hibiki and Takao. Takao was soaking wet from the rain and even though he couldn't see what was under her uniform, he'd rather not take a peek at what was under there. Hibiki was a little less drenched in rain but noticed that her shirt was sticking to her skin and he could see faint outlines, which also left little to the imagination. 

He turned his head away from the two and was certain that Haguro and Ushio were also drenched in rain water and he would rather not think about such lewd thoughts. That was, unless he wanted to get a unintentional boner from such thoughts which he's rather not have. 

Takao: Autumn. 

The voice of Takao drew his attention away from his thoughts. 

Takao: The last of the troops have disembarked and are heading back to pick up more. 

Autumn: Good, the faster we get out of the rain, the quicker you can get yourselves some new clothes. 

Takao sighed, Autumn snickered at Takao's reaction toward his smart ass joke although he wasn't surprised when he couldn't hear Hibiki, but wouldn't be surprised if she was smiling, but smiling she was not. 


They made several more round trips but aside from a submarine that came too close it was uneventful, and the first wave of the assault had been delivered across the western Java sea to the island of Borneo and the second wave was soon to follow,  in the meantime, the girls would have time to rearm and dry off before they were to launch the second wave at dusk, and as usual , Autumn was using that time to catch news of unfolding events outside of Southeast Asia. 

Kancolle: the lone battle carrierOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora