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Yokosuka Naval base-nighttime 

Admiral Thomson was reading a file on Autumn in his office. Looking over his skill set and personality. Personally he was impressed. He had a good skillset. 

Served in the Atlantic in Nigeria and on rare occasions in the Indian ocean. Securing most of the islands almost single handedly, and was a key player in the retaking of Madagascar. The second half of his file was strange. He was then sent to the Falklands. That's where things started to turn around for him. From that point on everything was negative before the base was attacked. Autumn was declared MIA and a fugitive after his disappearance.

If Thomson was questionable about him, he was interested in him now. 

He heard his a knock at his door. "Come in", he said. Akashi the repair ship that was able to stabilize him and get him into the infirmary. "How is he doing Akashi"? "He is stable, for now. I'm surprised he was able to survive for so long. " Thomson nodded his head. "Are you sure letting him in was the right choice"? "I want to say yes,but it's too early to judge for sure". 

Akashi nodded in conformation. "Also I brought this". She sets down a picture of 3 people and several metallic disks. "I think you also want to see this". The admiral nodded his head. "Thank you Akashi, you're dismissed". Akashi salutes and walks out of his office leaving the admiral to himself. He looks at the picture with Autumn and what he can assume are his friends. "Where have you been hiding from us all this time"? He asks to himself. He flips the paper over to see  these words in cursive, 

Don't forget. 

"If he is the only one who came out of the hole he climbed out of..."

Before he can finish his sentence he heard a bang at the door. The door to his office was forcefully opened by a ghost. He was wearing a white button up shirt with a dark navy blue over his white shirt. Standing at least 5'8 with smooth blond hair with green eyes. This was the person he hated the most. This was the person  who he didn't want to deal with, nor talk to right now. 

He sighs. "What do you want Superior?" He asked with faded breath. "You know what I want! I want that black fugitive out of this naval base and to be left to the abyssals"! To Admrial Thomson this was outrageous. He had already rescued him from sinking into the waves. Not only that but he had to diliver something like this to the UN which would most likely order his execution. He wanted to know where he was and what he was doing while he was doing whatever he was doing. 

"I'm telling you that I want to know more about him. So I'm not going to keeping him here until I've made my decision". Superior slammed his fist on his desk,"you don't know what he will do. At the very least he will end up shooting us in the back. People like him are not even supposed to be on the battlefield in the first place"! 

As he finished his sentence one of the disks one of the disks started to glow a blue color. Ultima went to grab it but it turned on by itself, shocking both of them. 

"This is The USS Autumn of the 9th fleet. I'm leaving a message for anyone who picks this up, but it's not like anyone is going to listen to what I have to say anyway. I'f you have decided to listen to this message that I'm leaving you, you've made the right choice". 

Superior was about to grab the recording, but the admiral beat him to it. "Do not listen to him. He betrayed us". Thomson continued to ignore him and listened to the log that Autumn had recorded. 

"If you have decided to not listen to this message then my 'betrayal' was 100% justified. Any way here is a message from Oran to me, and now from me to whoever's listening to this. Tell the US that,

Pearls Eating At Low Harbors Are Retrofitting Beyond Open Roads Disrepear, Ether Stop Telling, Ready Open, Yelling Echo Defect. 

This should be a easy, if you look at what is first. I'd be surprised if anyone could pull of another Doolittle. And if your Japanese, it's not your fault. This is USS Autumn signing off. 


He could hear explosions all around him as he fought. With Corsairs, hellcats, dantleses and abyssal fighters flying all around him. He saw the American fighters and bombers fly near and around him trying to clear out the abyssals. They were not here to help him. They were hear to search and destroy. The target. HIM. 

He was told by his commander that they would sink him if he did not retreat. 'To hell with my orders,' was what he thought at the time. He still had no regrets now. His friends would be left to die without support. So he voluntarily threw himself against the enemy. 

As he fought. He fought against the abyssals, and the fighters and bombers sent to destroy him. His admiral didn't want insubordination with people like him. As the confusing air battle ensued above him he fired the cannons on his rigging, but it wasn't his rigging, it wasn't his at all. 

As the shells hit the abyssal Wo class carrier he heard a high  whistling sound. That sound was was from one of the SPDs dive bombers. Just as the bomb hit him he was blinded by the explosion on on his face with soot and cuts across his face. 

Autumn woke up from a nightmare. A nightmare that he had. He also woke up to another sound. He looked to his right, although he could barely see it he saw someone hanging themselves by a rope. He yanked the heart monitors off him along with a needle that where being transferred into him, tearing his skin open.

 He grabbed a knife cut her down. He was able to catch her in his left arm as she fell, his body coming down with hers. 

Autumn held this girl in his arms. He didn't care about who she was. All she cared about was keeping the girl alive. Autumn leaned down on her chest to hear a faint heartbeat. 

She was alive. 

He looked down at her to realize that she was naked. She also had some kind of white fluid on her. Autumn reached up to his eyes, only to realize that he wasn't wearing his blindfold. 

He looked around the room. With all the beds lined up like that he assumed that he was in a infirmary. As if on que the girl started to cough. He didn't want the girls to see his eyes. Out of desperation and some pity he put the girl in a soft embrace. 

The girl woke and started to sob. She said something that was unheard by him. 

"Can you speak up", he asked nicely. 

"Why didn't you let me die?" He wasn't surprised, yet shocked, he couldn't come up with a word how to describe his feelings about her. 

"You just should've left me to die. I can't take it anymore. I... I...". She couldn't continue as she broke down then and there. He could understand, being trapped on a near dead continent surrounded by the enemy would break a normal persons will. 

He rubbed her back trying to comfort her as she continued to cry into his shoulder, onto the night.


The girl had stoped crying and Autumn could hear a soft snoring. The girl had finally fallen asleep. 'What would push her over the edge', he thought. 'If he had something to do with this he is going to pay'. 

Autumn carried the girl bridal style onto the bed and covered her up with the covers and looked down at himself. He breathed a huge sigh of relief  "Thank god I was wearing something on me during that ordeal". 

He was wearing a hospital gown with a few bandages on his left arm and lower abdomen. Nothing too serious that he couldn't recover from. 

first things first was to find a change of clothes and get the heck out, but the girl would be sleeping here. He thought about watching her, but seeing as she was now, it was best if she was alone.  

He opened the door, checked his corners and walked out of the infirmary. 

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