Across the Pond

176 6 4

March 27 2028

Autumn boarded the C-2 Kawasaki aircraft near the airport he knew that they were going to ship out but he didn't know that they would be airlifted out. He sat down on one of the many seats that ran down the entirety of the aircraft, this was a chance for him to reflect. He wondered why out of all the times he could've reflected why reflect now. His thoughts then reflected on the squadron he was with. 

He was paired with Ushio, who has her problems with Superior and with herself, he supposed he could give her some help. The next person was Hibiki. For some reason he couldn't think what she was thinking, she didn't seem to smile and just seemed bland from his point of view. The next person was Takao, she was mostly polite and is formal she got used to him and the few antics he had, after awhile. 

The next girl would be Haguro she is somewhat shy and maintains her distance from him to a certian extent. Last but not least is Akagi, who he have nothing but respect for givin her wartime achievements. She seems to understand his situation the most out of them. He enjoyed her company as much as he enjoyed watching her glutinous antics. 

As much as Akagi wanted Autumn to be the flagship of this fleet Autumn had refused again and again. Akagi would try to ask him why but he avoided the question, a fact that Akagi seemed to be aware of.

He turned his head as he heard the admirals footsteps come up the ramp. 

Johnson: How are you. 

Autumn: I'm fine as I can be. 

Johnson look at him with a puzzled look. 

Johnson: You haven't flown on a plane before haven't you? 

Autumn: No. 

For a second it actually looked like he was nervous about flying. A part of him couldn't pass this chance up. 

Autumn: Why did you assign me with a fleet. 

Johnson loooked at him and sat down next to him before answering. 

Johnson:(sigh) You want to fight the abyssals right, this is your chance to do so. 

Autumn: Have you even read my statistics? 

Johnson: No. 

Autumn: (sigh) I thought so, that is probably one of the reasons why I work sepreatly from a fleet if you read them you will be surprised at how terrible they are. 

Johnson looked to the left and right before he acknowledged. Autumn sighed once again and just crossed his arms under his chest. 

Johnson: Anyway we're heading to Singapore through mainland China and then once we reach Thailand we'll travel by truck to reach it. 

Autumn: Here's hoping that old conflicts don't flare up just because we were ordered to do what we do best, because the last time I checked Japan and China were not so friendly with each other. 

Autumn was right and if nothing was stirred up it would be a miracle if a fight wasn't started up with the Chinese. If all went well, they would be able be there by evening at best. 

Autumn: I still don't like the fact that you put me in the fleet. 

Johnson: Either way you are a part of this fleet, that lone wolf stuff stays behind, got it. 

Autumn: Got it. 

He could tell that he wanted to say something more but, refused to do so. The ramp in C-2 Kawasaki closed and could feel the engines warm up. 


March 26 2028 

Clyde Naval base, UK

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