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23 days later 

ship log 

"I got as far as I could go. As soon as I cross the equator I run into a fleet that damages me, heavily. A final shot from a Ta-class fast battleship struck a lucky shot to one of my external fuel tanks that ignited from my stern. I dropped this fuel tank into the sea and did a emergency shutdown of all fuel across my gear. With that said and done I'm starving and I don't have much food left. Furthermore I fear another abyssal attack may come. I'm running out of fuel, and it's getting dark." 

end log 


3 days after ship log. 32 days after the defeat of Midway Princess 

 Admiral was tired. Most of the shipgirls had just come back from operation MI and most of them were damaged, but most of them came back in one way or another. Then all of a sudden the abyssals start appearing to the south of the globe and star destroying bases one by one. 

  Why were the abyssals coming north now? Not only that, but most of the girls were still waiting for reappears. This would reset all the gains they made and would have to try and make up for those losses all over again. Not only that, but he also got a roumer from a few Americans that worked around the base that they got strange readings from the Antartic. 

Admiral Thomson sighed knowing that hey where going to have his hands full. Even with the help of the American kanmasu along with the occasional British help they where mostly separated because of old conflicts with each others navies. He didn't even want to get started on the so called ghosts.  

He sighed. "Admiral, is something on your mind"?   A voice to his right asked. "No I'm fine Nagato". "Just thinking." "Thinking about what"? "One of the roumers that was delivered to me about the American personel that work around the base". Mutsu became suspicious as she didn't trust them much. "What did they tell you"? "Strange activity in in the Antartic, thats all they told me". "Why would anyone go looking for something let alone someone so far from any naval base"? 

"There used to be a base in the Falkland islands, but it was destroyed in a abyssal attack. I got a report from one of the surviving ghosts that they were betayed by one of their own." Who was this person"? "A African-American going by the name of USS Autumn. But we shouldn't have to worry about him, since he is thought to have died in the firefight". 

Nagato lightened up somewhat about the coversation. "If he did die that is one less problem to worry about . Furthermore the girls do have some bad blood with some of the ghosts station here. We don't need another trouble maker". 

Admrial Thomson didn't believe that he could die, at least not easily. If he ever did trun out to be the man or rather boy everyone thought, then this could be a serious problem. The US even went as far to put a $1,000,000 bounty on his  head. A rare thing the US does now a days. 

  "Admrial ". A voice rang out over the folding papers over his desk. A voice that required his imediate attention. "Yes Oyodo"? "We are reciving a SOS". A SOS this close to the naval base, he thought to himself. "Have you confermed that it is a part of a Merchiant Marien from a navy"? 

Oyodo had a look in her eyes that told him that this wasn't from a naval ship nor shipgirl. The admrial looked to her. "Don't tell me that it's a ghost". He said silently. All she did was nod. 

"Damn it".    He really didn't want to deal with another ghost.If he let him in to Yokasaka He would have to deal with four ghosts. He crossed his arms and pondered on what to do. Nagato put a hand on the admrials shoulder. "The least we can do is to check to see who it is". She replied. He took a moment to ponder on what he should do. 

"Have mobile unit 5 launch with destroyer division 6 escorting Akashi".  


Autumn was facing his opponent. Both of them where breathing heavaly. He was now in a one one one fight with a RE-class abyssal. Although many people called them battleships. He believed that a more appropeat term would be a aviation battleship. Due to its sheer murderous intent and forocity when she fought, not only that but, she had the ability to lauch aircraft. Almost all fleets that faced even one would not get out unscathed. Fighting against Two of these things all alone with little to no fuel while being damaged from previous engagments would normaly be no contest. Up against a ghost, that is a different story. 

He had lost his left arm that held his flight deck. He also had a shell wound near his left hip along with a shallow three clawed wound along his shoulder and arm. For a trade off Autumn had ripped off the abyssals tail in retun. It was at a bit of a stand still between them. Both of them looked at eachother in the eye, daring  for eachother to make the first move. 

The Re class aviation battleship charged him and took a swipe at his face only for him to move his head out of the and deliver a punch to the Res stomach. He went for the knee with a kick only for her to pick up her leg and kick him in the face then to deliver several successful punches to his cheeks and blood to come out of his mouth and nose and to throw him on the water. 

"You think you can win? Ha! don't make me laugh! today is the day you die"! As Autumn got on his knees he only turned so that a part of his face was lookig at Re. "Look me in the eye and say that", was all he could say before he stiffled from the pain. Re picked him up and held him by his neck. "You will die along with the rest of your race, any last words"? All Autumn did was draw his bowie knife and slit Re across her throat. Hearing Re gargle brought a smile to his face and with a final stab, put the knife through the bridge of her nose through the brain, letting her face slide off the blade. 

As Re's body hit the water he heard a song coming into his head.

"Feels like were on the edge right now I wish that I could say I'm proud. I'm sorry that I let you down. Ohh let you down" 

He started to sail in the opposite direction,but all he could feel was pain as his body tenced up and fell over. 

"All these voices in my head get loud. I wish that I could shut them out I'm sorry that I let you down,ohh let you down". 

His body had been pushed too far. He knew that it was unlikely that help was coming. 'At least I tried', he thought to himself . Just as he was about to close his eyes he saw girlson the water just as his vision faded. "So close yet so far." he said. As he closed his eyes for what he though would be for the final time. 

"Yeah I'm sorry. I'm so sorry now. I'm sorry that I let you down". 

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