The wanted ship

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The fleet that consisted of  Ushio, Fubuki, Kaga, Zuikaku, Konguo, and Mutsuki were sailing out to the bay due to the detection of a enemy fleet. The enemy fleet consisted of a Wo class carrier a Chi class torpedo cruiser and a few escorts. 

Zuikaku and Kaga launched their scouts to look for them as per the start of the battle. As their scouts searched for the enemy Mutsuki was looking at Ushio, it was clear she was shaking somewhat. 

Mutsuki: Hey Ushio, I know that this is your first battle in a while but, you'll be okay. 

Ushio: Are you sure I'll be okay? I mean, what if I end up slowing you down. 

Mutsuki: Come on Ushio, don't let your self say that you can't do it. Have more confidence in yourself. 

Ushio: Okay I'll try. 

Mutsuki smiled at her. 

Mutsuki: You remind me of Fubuki when she first arrived at the naval district. 

Ushio: W-what was she like. 

Zuikaku: We've spotted the enemy fleet! 

Fubuki turned to Zuikaku and Kaga. 

Fubuki: You know what to do. 

Zuikaku and Kaga turned into the wind to launch their planes. The Vals and Kates where launched from their long bows, followed by a few zero escorts. 

Once the plans had found the abyssals they dived down on top of them. The abyssals were not surprised by this. The Wo class carrier launched it's fighters both formations were coming head on. 

Both sides fired their machine guns at each other with the zeros gaining air superiority. The Kates and Vals had their way with the few escorts the abyssals had but, the carrier was dodging about with a few other survivors. 

The Wo class carrier opened her hat again and prepared to launch more fighters to intercept the bombers. A fairy pilot noticed this and was able to get a bomb away with the carrier only able to get a few fighters away before the bomb exploded in her hat. 

What fighters that managed to get out of the hat before it exploded put up a valiant fight but, they were mopped up by the zeros with the strike force taking negligible losses. 

When the flight returned from the flight, they landed on Kaga and Zuikaku's flight deck on their arms and received them. 

Zuikaku: Looks like that's most of them, I don't know even think this will require another strike wave. 

Kaga: Don't let your guard down yet. We still have a few threats to deal with. That Wo class carrier might be down but, it is not out of the fight. 

Zuikaku: Whatever Kaga I'm the one who took it out. 

Kaga: Says the one took them most casualties during that attack. 

Fubuki: Can you guys please stop arguing with each other! 

Mutsuki: I think I see why you had such trouble with your fleet Fubuki. 

Fubuki: You're telling me. 

Kongou: Cheer up Bucky at least we made it out okay. 

Fubuki: Alright, lets head back. 

Behind them abyssal bomber came out of the sky diving on them. 

Fubuki: What the- Scatter and form dimond formation! 

All of them saw the bombers and scattered like Fubuki ordered but were eached chased down by a squadren of planes with Zuikaku being lucky as ever. 

Kancolle: the lone battle carrierWhere stories live. Discover now