
379 2 6

February 16 2028

Admiral Johnson was listening to his message again. Eh thought what he was going to say before he would begin the meeting. Before he could begin his door was opened by his secretary ship. 

???: Are you sure we can trust his intelligence on Pearl Harbor? 

Johnson: Yes, and welcome back. How is Okinawa? 

???: So far it hasn't suffered any major attacks as of yet but it has seen increased abyssal activity since their reemergence. 

Johnson: I see. 

He turned his head to look outside his office window. 

???: Are you sure we can trust someone like him. 

Johnson: I talked with him just last night. He is untrustworthy of others but, we can earn his trust. Just make sure the other girls don't provoke him. 

???: Fine. But, if he provokes us, I won't hesitate to put him down. 

Johnson: Just watch him from a distance. Your dismissed. 

The ship girl salutes Johnson and leaves the room. 

Johnson: (Sigh). I get that you don't trust the American military and the ghosts but, a few of them do show promise, just some more than others. 

He looks down at his watch and looks at the time. 

Johnson: Oh crap! I'm way over time. 

He closes the blinds to let the darkness fill the room. He pulls out a computer from his desk and logs in. A large blue screen appears on his screen. Several pictures fill the blue screen of several admirals all clad in white.

The first man spoke in a thick Scottish accent.

???: Your quite late to the meeting. 

Johnson looked at a man with green eyes and brownish hair. He smiles back at Johnson. Johnson smiles back at him. 

Johnson: Good to see you too, James Scott. 

The other admiral had a navy blue uniform with a hat on top of his head. As he started at Johnson he looked with his arms crossed. It was obvious to Johnson that he didn't want to be here. 

???: So why did you call a meeting with all of us so suddenly? 

Johnson: I'm calling you because I want to let you know that I have the "fugitive" and some other... 

???: Excelent! Now you can hand him over to us and we can... 

Johnson: You didn't let me finish. As I was saying I do have the "rouge battle carrier" in custody. However Pearl Harbor has also fallen. 

The blue admiral was astonished by this news and so were the other admirals that were on the screen. Another admiral slammed her hand on the table

???: How could Pearl Harbor fall to ze abyssals so easily? 

Johnson: We don't know yet. 

The American admiral spoke again.

???: Who gave you this information? 

Johnson: Non other than the person that was declared a fugitive. 

Most of the people look at each other from their respective point of view. 

Johnson: I don't think that he has given up on humanity yet. I've listened to all three of his logs he has recorded. One of them explains all of his recent activities in Antarctica. 

Kancolle: the lone battle carrierWhere stories live. Discover now