Chapter 1 (Make A Wish)

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The sky was clear. Was because earlier kids were just playing under the bright sky but now the kids are under the roof on the side of the school watching the rain pour down from the sky. On the other hand, while the kids are busy watching the water hit the ground, the teachers are busy discussing something in the meeting room.

"I told you this isn't the right time for that." One teacher argued.

"But we are not doing anything to make anything better, Mr. Lee." A female teacher argued back. She fixed her eye glasses to fix it on the bridge of her nose and stared back at the other teacher.

"It's the middle of the school year, Miss Par. Let's discuss this in the summer before the school year starts." The principal said.

"We're going to wait that long? Kids have been missing."

"Two kids. Just two kids."

"And it's making all the parents of these kids worry. Five students in my class didn't come to school today and their parents called me the night before saying that they are not letting their kids come to school until this is fixed."

Mr. Lee laughed, "Call them hysterical. As if we have control with that. We're not the one kidnapping the kids-"

"Yes, but they are still our responsibility. They went missing after attending school so it's possible that the kidnapper is just around the perimeter of our school." Miss Par was trying to control her voice but the situation is making her angry. It's as if she's the only one who actually cares about these kids and she hates the idea that these people around her right now call themselves teachers and not even care about the well-being of the kids under their care.

"Miss Par, please. We've got other things to worry about like the upcoming examination of the elementary department." The principal reminded everyone in the room.

"Are we really worried about that now?"

"I hope you are done with your module, Miss Par. I'll be expecting them on my table tomorrow morning." The principal stood up and left the room followed by other teachers.

Miss Par remained seated on her chair gripping her whole hand on the armrests.

"A dedicated teacher but not everyone shares the same passion, huh?" a voice whispered in her ear.

She turned to see a woman wearing leather boots with chains on them, long black coat, black turtleneck, and chain on both of her hands clinging on each finger. She looked up to see the face. Sleek black hair comb back, thin lips, sharp nose and sharp eyes. She'd never seen this woman in her life before. She looks like she is in her early twenties so the possibility of having a child studying here is quite impossible. Unless she was young when she gave birth? Little sibling, maybe?

"Ma'am, you're not supposed to be in here. How did you even get in here?" she looked back at the door. Was she zoning out that she didn't realize this strange person was entering?

"That's not what matters, Miss Par." the woman said.

"How do you know my name?"

"I heard it."

"Whoever you are, you need to leave the room. Only staff are allowed in here."

"Miss Par, do you want people to actually listen to you? Understand you?" her voice remained monotone. She couldn't read her eyes. They're empty.


"To actually care and be as passionate as you are with these children?" the woman in black crossed her arms together.

"That's...well...I wished for once that they would set their priorities straight. I mean, maybe suspend classes for even just a week, you know? Work with the police to surround the area and watch the kids as they walk home."

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