Chapter Two

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Kaminari takes a deep breath in and takes his first step in an actual school. He was doing it. He was actually doing it. Not only had he made it to the top high school in Japan but he also made it to the top class, class 1 A. His family (that included Dabi, Giana, Hawks and Toga) sent their best wishes to his time in UA and his hero career. Dabi was incredibly supportive of his journey and would often give suggestions on his hero costume so that it would cover up the scars that were on his body and also hide any weapons that he could be carrying just in case. You may never know when he would need it and with Kaminari's background and paranoia there was no way he would ever leave the house without at least one weapon on him at least. After a lot of alterations they had finally decided that he would wear something simple like a white plain v-shirt with a black jacket and matching trousers that have a white lightning pattern on it. He also has a square-shaped earphone over his right ear and blackish shoes. Kaminari did not want to stand out at all, especially with everything about his past so he had no problem with the hero costume. Giana and Toga remained the ears of the group and would often fill in on Kaminari of what was happening in the criminal world. Giana told him everything she could get from the club she worked at and from other strippers from different places in different cities while Toga had gotten her information from her clueless peers. Kaminari never bothered to take care of them because if they had blindly told Toga everything then it made them amateurs in their jobs and they would be unable to make the connection so there was nothing to fear. Not until they actually become problems. It would be pointless to fix problems that didn't exist. A waste of time. Sure there was nothing wrong with being cautious but a too planned idea/story could raise attention and bring in questions. Questions that Kaminari may not be able to solve or questions from people that shouldn't be asking questions. Kaminari did not need that tension or the extra heat. So far nothing major has happened. There was only one and it has been 5 months since then. It was at a cinema for an unpopular movie though so Kaminari had the ability to take care of the problem himself. He made sure that their death was painless and quick. They couldn't be alive; it was risky as hell. If they were to report back to his parents all hell would break loose. He could be forced back into his old lifestyle of crime but before then he would be severely punished. So they had to die. For his own safety they had to. Now Hawks he was actually a lot of help. If it wasn't for him Kaminari wouldn't have a partner to help him train for the practical exam. Even though he didn't need it, it was nice to have someone that was on the same level as him to train with before he would have to train with those that weren't. Hawks was also the one to help him create a story, an identity, someone to be during his time in UA. Kaminari was going to be authentic and real as possible but he was going to hide his old life and with the help of Hawks he now has excuses on why he missed out on activities. Like Christmases, birthdays, school trips, stuff like that. They decided that they will remain in contact with each other and will be extra cautious so that they are not caught and ruin anybody or everyone's life. 

Now standing in front of the door to his homeroom Kaminari took a deep breath. He got this. All he has to do is make sure that nobody finds out the truth about himself, remain a bimbo and plaster a convincing smile and backstory, that is it. He was going to work hard and kick ass. He just has to make sure that he doesn't do anything suspicious. And remain honest or close to the truth as much as possible that way nobody will be able to catch him in a lie. Kaminari had no idea what to expect since this was his first time even going to a school and studying with people that were his age. Normally Kaminari would have worked with people that were a lot older and would often be unable to relate with the things that they talked to him about. But looking back he had more things in common with the people he worked with than those that are going to be in his class. If he had felt out of place when he was a kid then how the fuck is he supposed to feel now with people his own age. One thing for sure though was that he wasn't ready. He wanted to go back home and crawl under his bed. He wanted to disappear. It wouldn't be too late if Kaminari just turned back, nobody is here yet. His family would understand. Hell, they even decided that if Kaminari wasn't ready to go to school then he didn't have to. They would just come up with a foolproof excuse. And Kaminari was grateful that he could use it at any time. A simple code and they would have gotten him out faster than a person singing happy birthday. Kaminari has done so many things in his short span of a life so being afraid to go into school was incredibly dumb. He would be frowned upon in the criminal world. It was an embarrassment. I mean how can a person with the highest kill count, a person so smart, a person so young be afraid of being in a normal setting. Kaminari was just about to turn and walk the fuck out when he saw teenagers heading towards this room. They have yet to spot him. He was going to have to be quiet and quick because once they see him, he is going to have to enter the classroom. Kaminari was just about to take a step forward when a  girl with short purple hair looked up at him. And they have made eye contact. He can't disappear right now.

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