Chapter Three

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His family kept their word, they protected each other and their trips were always memorable. During the meetings they would catch up on their week and how things are going. Letting each other know every single detail of their week. However with the increase of villain attacks, which we all know is because of Kaminari, and the final push of Bakugou being kidnapped by the league, the school have finally decided that it would be for the best to put everyone into dorms. Which is going to be very problematic for Kaminari especially with his lifestyle. I mean Giana could sign the permission slips but it was the assassin equipment that he still keeps in his room that was going to be the problem because you can never be too careful and plus they bought a sense of comfort for Kaminari especially since he had to kill four hitmen already. That wasn't the only problem, it was also maintaining his training. It's not like he can actually train at school during actual lessons; it would be way too suspicious. Plus there will be others around that will keep him in line. It's not like he will have the privacy of his own home. A place where he can do anything and not hide. Now he is going to be living with 19 other students. Sure they are naive and can be easily manipulated but they will catch on if Kaminari slips up. Even if it is one small slip up. That one can bring attention to him. Which, again, he doesn't need or want. And he can't afford a slip up. Not when there are people after him. Not now at least. He needs more time, wants more time, to be normal. To have memories just like everyone else. Memories that are pleasant. Which is why he is going to be signing the papers for the dorm. This could be his last opportunity and Kaminari was going to take it. He just has no idea on what to do with his 'sketchy' activities. He was going to have to get his family's advice on the next meeting which, unfortunately, is in three days. They are going to have to come up with a plan on how Kaminari is going to maintain his training, how to sneak out of UA, discussion of any emergency plans and a dorm style that will help cover his equipment that he is definitely going to bring with him. Because if a hitman does ever come onto his path with the others around him he would not be able to use his quirk without raising suspicion. So if he can separate the hitman away from his friends he would have a higher opportunity and the ability to make sure that hitman never walks or talks again. So he needs his equipment but he won't bring everything like maybe two hand guns, a rifle, two machetes and half a briefcase of bullets in total.

But the good thing is that Wednesday arrived quickly so he didn't have to worry or think about it for too long. So now he was sitting at their spot in the woods all by himself waiting for the rest to arrive. Five minutes have passed by and they still have not arrived. Soon it was ten then twenty minutes and still no arrival. It was finally time for Kaminari to send a message. So he opened the group chat for meetings which included them all and sent an angry text.

I've been waiting for over 40 minutes, you guys seriously.

Himi: Sorry De but a situation has taken place and we need to take care of it.

Den-den: Where are you guys?

Himi: Still at the club D got into a fight with one of G's customers because they were getting handsy and then security came and kicked the sleaze out. He waited outside for us and followed. So we drove around for a bit and now we are hiding from him.

Den-den: Is G okay?

Himi: Yh she is fine.
We should be there in ten though.

Den-den: Well hurry up. I have a lot of things to say.

Kei: We just got out of the car. We will be there in two-ish minutes.

Den-den: But still hurry up.

**Incoming of Negative and Paranoid thoughts**

As Kaminari began to wait he looked at his notifications from his class group chat. Practically everyone was excited and nervous about the dorms. Plus that's the only thing that anyone is talking about. And he hated it. It's not that he didn't trust his class, it's just that he couldn't trust himself around them. He was afraid that he may do something and they would notice the odd behaviour. And if it's not then then someone else would notice. They will either tell Principle Nezu or hold the information over him. He wouldn't be able to become a hero or take down his parents. They would have won. Everything would have been for nothing. Everyone will know the fraud that Kaminari Denki is. They won't ever forgive him or want him. Nobody ever will. He'll be alone forever. He won't be able to go back to the villain side or join the hero side. He would be seen as a traitor no matter what and no one will ever believe him. He would have failed. He would have been better off dead a long time ago.

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