Chapter 14

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23rd December. Kirishima blinked. Blinked again and slowly slid back to bed. He stared at the ceiling before rechecking the day and time. It stayed the same. 00:01 23rd December. Only today and tomorrow and then it will be Christmas. His first Christmas with the knowledge of having three hot boyfriends. Just thinking about it was enough to make him happy and he can't wait to greet them with a Merry Christmas and embrace them with warm hugs. But for now he needs to try and get some sleep or his mother will have his head off if he's late.

Kirishima ended up tossing and turning for the rest of the night which resulted in him getting a very unsatisfying amount of sleep that had left him very grouchy and his muscles uncomfortable. But that wasn't enough to ruin his pre-christmas spirit. He won't let a sleepless night affect his day or anyone else's and besides it's already 5:18 and his restlessness was building up so he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep anyways. Especially since it wouldn't have been another hour or two before he actually did need to wake up. He might as well just start his day and double check his gifts. After completing his extra workout routine Kirishima began to recheck his gifts for his classmates. Everyone was supposed to meet up at the dorms at 11 to do a gift exchange and then have lunch together. It was going to be a class activity/bonding thing and Shinsou was going to be a part of it too. So that's nice.

Excitement bubbled up and Kirishima could no longer take it. So he sent a good morning text to the class group chat and waited for the replies. He still had 3 hours till it was 11 so there was loads of time left.

Stretches after stretches after stretches. It was exhausting. Whoever suggested that they should meet up at the dorms at 11 should burn in hell- oh wait- he was the idiot to suggest it. Oh fuck off. Sero groaned. Why did he have to suggest it at 11? It's way too early to be awake right now especially since it was the holidays as well. The holidays is where you fuck up your sleep schedule and you become nocturnal. Why did nobody suggest a better time? Why did they agree with him? Just why?

Sero couldn't take it any more. He felt like snapping, because why on earth was he the only one out of his entire family that had to wake up. Sero stepped out of his room ready to leave for UA as he left his room in a clean state he couldn't help but groan again. Groaned at the fact that they were so fucking lucky to be sleeping in, continuing their dreams in warmth without a single care in the world. And what makes it even more worse is that he was having a great dream too. Like it's not everyday that he would win a fight against Bakugou and Todoroki and for some strange reason Hawks as well. He has no idea why he is fighting all three at the same time and winning. But hey anything goes in the dream realm.

Sero took a deep breath and on a sticky note he wrote that he left for UA and will be back later. He placed the sticky note on the counter and picked up the bag that contained all his gifts for his class. For the final time Sero groaned and exited the house. It was going to be a long day and Kirishima being a happy little fucker who is constantly spamming the class 1A group chat is starting to piss him off. It's too early for this.

It was the day before Christmas eve and everything was looking good. Not a single cloud in the sky even though it was very grey and dark. But that didn't matter; the Christmas lights that hung on the street lamps were enough to brighten everyones' day. Who needs a clear, sunny sky when you have the Christmas spirit.

Uraraka hummed a christmas tune as she gently swung the bag that held the christmas gifts for her class. She wasn't able to afford much but it was something and it's okay to go on a little splurge every now and then even if it meant she won't be able to eat for a couple of days. As long as she is able to put a smile on her friends face, she will be willing to sacrifice it all.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2022 ⏰

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