Chapter Seven

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School the next day was interesting. Everyone wanted to know who was in first place for each of their subjects. No one knew who this person was. All they saw was that none of the top 5 students were number 1. They spent the next two days trying to find out who it was. Everyone simply ignored Kaminari and bothered the rest of the class. Kaminari was grateful but he was especially grateful that neither Bakugou or Todoroki snaked him out. With the help of Mr Aizawa threatening anyway that talks about the results with detention the entire class eventually gave up by day three.

Honestly the closer Todoroki and Kaminari became the more Kaminari felt guilty. Guilty that he couldn't tell Todoroki that his brother is alive and that he is proud of the person that he is becoming and that he has always loved him. Guilty that Dabi and Todoroki couldn't speak to each other or even hug. Couldn't have the sibling fights and the sibling trading. He especially felt guilty that Dabi is always going to hear stories that Kaminari has to tell him just so he knows what his own brother is up to. Kaminari wanted to do something for him and he was going to do it right after his meal. Kaminari sat down with Mina and Sero and began to eat.

"Hey do you think I will look good with auburn hair?" Kaminari asks.

Sero stares hard at Kaminari's face and squints his eyes,"You would have to lose the lightning bolt but it could work."

"Hell yeah. When do you plan on dyeing it?" Mina exclaimed.

"I don't know soon I guess. Depends on the time and if it is the right moment."

"True-true." commented Sero.

Mina looks up from her meal and kicks Kaminari's leg.

"Hey! Why would you do that?" Kaminari rubs the spot where Mina kicked.

Mina smiles gleefully,"I got to know what's the deal with you and Todoroki? You two seem awfully close ever since the practical exam."

"Yeah. Are you both together? You both seem so different though."

Kaminari begins to laugh. Him and Todoroki together like in a relationship. No way. Are they closer ever since the exam? Sure but that's only because Kaminari wants to make sure that Todoroki isn't spilling anything out. Even though he would never do that, Kaminari could not help it especially with the paranoia. But that was at the beginning of the relationship. Things had changed within the couple of days that they have been hanging out, like how Kaminari found out that Todoroki is a funny person in his own special way, which he liked because he was the only one that understood it. And the weird hypothetical conversations that they would have, for example, if they had the ability to rule over a country how would they rule over it? He also found out that he liked the comfort that Todoroki brought with him. The comfort that said that everything is okay and I'm not going to let anything bad happen. The more that the two hanged out or even talked the more serene Kaminari felt around him and was longing for their next interaction to take place already. He wanted more hugs from Todoroki and hand holding. He wanted to see him succeed and be happy. Hell he even wanted... he wanted... to be with him. To be exclusive. He was falling for Shouto Todoroki both romantically and sexually.

Finally, Kaminari truthfully answers Sero's question. "Me and Todoroki together. I wish. Like look at this man." Kaminari points to Todoroki, who is four tables away eating his soba. "That man is fine as fuck. I wouldn't mind riding him and going on dates and exchanging I love yous."

"OH MY GOD!!!" Mina exclaimed but was muffled by Sero placing his hand over Mina's mouth.

"You have a crush on Todobro." Sero whispered.

Kaminari's cheeks went a slight red, "Maybe. He has so many good qualities like he is a really good listener and he is socially awkward which makes him adorable because I love explaining things like this to him. He is also really smart and hot-"

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