Chapter Four

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"Hey Kaminari, are you coming to Yaoyorozu's study sessions for the upcoming tests?" MIna asked.

"Wait, there is an upcoming test! Since when?" Kaminari exclaimed. The entire class looked at him in silence before returning to their original conversations with their friends.

"Kamibro, seriously?" Sero turned to look at him from his desk. "Mr Aizawa told us this like two weeks ago. Were you not listening?"

"What do you think if I'm just finding it out now?" Kaminari snapped back.

"It's okay Kaminari. You are literally the dumbest out of the class. We don't expect you to follow along with us or be on the same page." Jirou commented.

"Hey!" Kaminari moaned "I don't accept your backhanded compliment Jirou. I can be smart and I can be on the same page as the rest of you. You wait and see." Kaminari says the last part quietly.

The entire Bakusquad starts laughing except Kirishima, who is trying to get everyone to stop.

"Hey, stop laughing at Kamibro. It's not very manly." Kirishima warned the others, "Don't worry Kamibro, I believe that you can." gently rubbing Kaminari's back in circles.

"Don't be stupid shitty hair. Everyone knows that dunce face is the dumbest in the class, just ask everyone. No way in hell will Kaminari ever be as smart as me." Bakugou says as he laughs.

"Hey Kacchan, that isn't a nice thing to say. Especially towards a friend. So what if Kaminari isn't the brightest. He is still trying." Midoriya interrupted.

"Don't interrupt me, you damn nerd!" Bakugou turned back to face Midoriya as he slammed his hand on his desk.

"Raise your hand if you agree with me that dunce face is not smart!" Bakugou screamed out.

Slowly hands were raised. It was disheartening to see so many hands rise but it was also a good thing. Why? Because it showed how many people Kaminari had fooled into thinking he was dumb. The rest believes that he has potential. Some hands were without hesitation which was the large majority while some weren't. The only ones that didn't put their hands up were Shoji, Koda, Tokoyami, Midoriya, Kirishima and that was it. Yeah, only five people out of nineteen believed he could be smart. That's okay, he was going to prove it to everyone.

"You wait and see, I will show you that I can be intellectual," Kaminari said angrily as he walked over to his desk before he slouched in his chair and frowned.

Mina walked over towards Kaminari and cooed at him "Aww don't be angry with us Kaminari when we all know it is true. It's okay, I'm not the smartest either."

Kaminari swats her away before flipping her off. He didn't want to speak. He didn't want to speak to his friends or his classmates; they were pissing him off. So Kaminari decided to grace them all with the silent treatment. If they believe that he is dumb then they won't have the opportunity to be blessed with his voice and thoughts.

'Too late I already did outsmart you guys anyways.' Kaminari thought to himself as Mr Aizawa walked in while they all went back to their original seats.

As Mr Aizawa walked in he turned towards Kaminari and said in a neutral voice "Kaminari you need to stay behind at lunch today."

"Sure thing," Kaminari says all grumpy as he tries to cover it up with a positive attitude. It's not like Mr Aizawa did anything to him so why should he get punished for the class's doing.

Kaminari could not wait for lunch to arrive. It felt like time was going slow. He had no reason to worry about the conversation that he will be having. It was more likely going to be about his grades and him disrupting class and that's it. Nothing to worry about but it didn't stop Kaminari from wanting to know. He wanted to get it over and done with. He wanted to train. He wanted to make a point to the rest of the class. To those that didn't believe in him. He was going to show everyone. He was still way too angry over his classmates and what they thought. Kaminari was so lost in thought that he didn't realise that it was time flew and it was time for lunch plus the conversation that he was going to have with Mr Aizawa. If it wasn't for Kirishima snapping his fingers in front of him then he would have never been broken from his trance.

I'll win you knowTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon