Chapter Six

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Kaminari finally understood why it's best not to have anything close to him. Why? Because all week all everyone was talking about was the Mr Cuddles situation. For an entire week his classmates mocked him. Glared at him. And they are not going to let him forget any of it. In the span of seven days the Mr Cuddles situation was brought up 89 times. And Kaminari never felt so humiliated. He allowed his emotions to get the best of him. The entire situation could have been handled differently but he followed his emotions rather than his brain. Kaminari was just grateful for the light punishment. He still has to prove himself to his class during these tests. So far Present Mic, Cementos and Midnight's tests were incredibly easy. He managed to finish their tests with a small amount of time to spare and skim through his answers checking for any incomplete answers or questions that he said he will come back to.

Now All Might and Mr Aizawa's test is going to be in a couple hours and Kaminari could not help but feel anxious. He didn't know what to expect or what he was going to do. Especially since it's a practical exam. All of his teachers including Principal Nezu are going to be watching him and they are expecting big things from him. But hey it could be a lot worse. It could be the entire class as well or could be the entire school or even pro hero agencies or even them all. He has no idea how the top 5 are handling the pressure but Kaminari was grateful that only his teachers knew and not everyone. Which does relieve some of the pressure that he feels. But it's going to be a problem with the rest of his class. By passing this test everyone will see how smart he is and his bimbo facade will be ruined. But he could say that he has been practising behind everyone's back. Only five out of nineteen (Midoriya, Kirishima, Koda, Shoji and Tokoyami) believe that he can be smart and he is going to make them proud.

The fear and anxiety that he had over the tests were quickly to vanish when Kaminari entered the common room. There is only 15 more minutes until Mr Aizawa shows up to tell them the test and 45 minutes until the test actually begins. Everyone was already dressed in their hero costume and were waiting for Kaminari to show up. He was the last one to arrive. There was nothing but tension in the room. The class was divided into two well more of three; there was those that were confident for example Bakugou, Tsu, Uraraka, Todoroki, Shoji, Jirou, Mineta and Ojirou, they talked about how excited they were for the test and how they cannot wait for it. Then there were those that were not as excited them being Sero, Kirishima, Mina, Hagakure, Koda, Sato, Yaoyorozu and Aoyama. They were the ones that were trying to cram in as much revision as possible going over key survival techniques that may be useful to know for the test. And finally those that bounced around, they were not confident but were not terrified. The first being the well known class representative, Iida, then Midoriya who was going over every possible outcome that came to his head and muttering to himself. He was either cracking under the pressure or trying to get ahead of everyone. Prepare for every situation and if it does come out you wouldn't need to panic and it would be a lot more efficient. Then we have the dark lord, Tokoyami and finally Kaminari.

Kaminari takes his place on the sofa between Kirishima and Midoriya and slowly raises a hand up. He has to know. Slowly the class stops talking and turns towards Kaminari. To them this was an odd Kaminari behaviour and were beginning to get curious on why Kaminari raised his hand.

"Kamibro, why is your hand raised?" Kirishima whispers over to him.

"I've got something to say, dude." Kaminari says this loud enough for the class to hear so that they could hurry the fuck up on their own conversations and listen to the things he has to say.

When the last conversations were over kaminari put his hand down and grabbed a piece of paper and pen from the coffee table and began to write something down.

"Kaminari what is the matter?" Iida asks using his hands to gesture to everyone and Kaminari, "Why did you stop our conversations?"

Kaminari didn't say anything but continued on writing on the paper. Five minutes went by and there was nothing but silence. Kaminari has not said a single word and it was starting to irritate the class. They didn't know what to do. Were they supposed to wait for Kaminari to say something or were they supposed to continue with their conversation and Kaminari just wanted to waste their time? All this was irritating Bakugou. Bakugou wouldn't ever admit this to anyone but he himself was curious and wanted to know what Kaminari was doing. He was lowkey impressed with Kaminari and what he had done especially during the chase when Mr Aizawa instructed the class to catch Kaminari. Mr Aizawa never gave anything specific on why they had to catch him all he said was that whoever catches Kaminari will receive extra credit for the upcoming tests. But Bakugou never wanted to catch Kaminari at all, he saw no point, he didn't need the extra credit and he didn't need to prove himself that he was the best in this situation. He could have caught Kaminari if he wanted to with ease but when he was hunting down Kaminari it was a lot more difficult than what he originally thought. But he eventually managed to capture him. Bakugou only started to care when an hour passed and nobody could find Kaminari which annoyed him enough to take matters into his own hands. He didn't like how nobody could find kaminari. He was the dumbest in the class and Bakugou was the best. So not finding Kaminari was like a hit to his pride and he made it his own mission to capture him. Kaminari did provide a challenge for Bakugou and he felt nothing but satisfaction when he finally had Kaminari pinned to the ground. Again he didn't need the extra credit but he did need to restore his pride. So when Kaminari raised his hand and wasn't giving an answer to Iida's question he couldn't help but feel annoyed. So annoyed that he got up and slapped Kaminari but it was stopped. Stopped by Kaminari before he himself slapped Bakugou.

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