Chapter Five

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Mr Cuddles. Kaminari had this teddy bear for over 13 years. His grandfather gifted the teddy bear when he was two and ever since then he has slept with him every single night and he wasn't going to break his streak no matter what. Mr Cuddles brought a lot of comfort to Kaminari during his childhood and his early teen years. Hell he still does. It was the one thing that was constant and something that he could rely on. Sure Toga was always a constant, it was just that at times Toga couldn't protect him or couldn't always be relied on as she was still a child herself. It wasn't fair to put so much pressure on her and she suffered shit too. So every chance that the two had they would protect each other and when Kaminari couldn't be protected he had Mr Cuddles to give him the comfort that he so desperately wanted. It was the same with Dabi and Hawks; they weren't always there and they had to survive as well. It wasn't just him suffering.

Mr Cuddles was a 14 inch (roughly 35cm) fluffy white watsonia teddy bear with brown eyes that matched with his nose and he had a checkered black and white bow. Over time Mr Cuddles' fur changed from a white watsonia colour to a shell white colour and his eyes now had small scratches that were only recognisable if you actually were looking for them. Even though his stitching was resown by hand multiple times, his fur was in good condition along with his stuffing.

Mr Cuddles was the only thing that Kaminari had left of his grandfather and he loved the bear dearly. Kaminari would tell Mr Cuddles everything. There was nothing else that knew him well enough like his bear. This was his baby. So losing him was like the end of the world for Kaminari. His baby was bearnapped. Kaminari knew that he shouldn't have anything close to him and now some asshole took away his beloved Mr Cuddles and he won't let this person get away with it. No matter who they are or their connections to anyone. He's going to get him back. Mr Cuddles is going to be back safe in his arms.

I last saw the bear at 1:50pm when I came back from the staff room. I took my bear and my clothes and took it to my room, where I then placed them on my bed. I then folded the clothes and put them away into the wardrobe. And Mr Cuddles was still on the bed. I then placed him in the gap between the pillow and the wall where he normally resides but isn't today. So where could Mr Cuddles be and who took him? Kaminari thought to himself as he tried to recall his encounters with Mr Cuddles today.

Kaminari knew that he was going to have to interrogate all of his classmates and others outside of the class. There is a 6 and a half hour gap that is ongoing of which Mr Cuddles is unaccounted for. Anything could have happened within those hours, hell Mr Cuddles could have been passed around multiple times during those hours. The first person that can even help with a situation like this without taking the mick of anything is Midoriya. But Midoriya could also be the culprit though. He could have done it unintentionally. But that could be said to the rest of the class as well. They may not know that Mr Cuddles belongs to Kaminari and assumed it was someone else or even Eri and gave it to them.

Just thinking about Mr Cuddles in a strange new environment without him was enough to make Kaminari feel sick. He has to find him quickly before something bad happens to him. Kaminari races over to Midoriya's room on the second floor and rapidly knocks on the door. Midoriya doesn't answer the door straight away which is a good thing as it allows Kaminari to calm his nerves down. When Midoriya did finally open the door, he wore a grey shirt that had writing on it and black sweatpants. He looked incredibly tired and Kaminari could not help but feel a little guilty that he had disrupted Midoriya's sleep. But Kaminari had to push it down. This is an emergency.

"Hello Kaminari. What are you doing here?" Midoriya said as yawns threatened to disrupt his sentences.

Kaminari dragged Midoriya into his room and closed the door. This woke Midoriya up and made him more aware of what was going on. Kaminari took this chance to quickly scan the room for Mr Cuddles.

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