Chapter 13

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The week was going so slow. Sure it could have been the awkwardness and tension that had increased within every second passing or it could have been the fact that he has been avoiding everyone like the plague and only seeing/interacting with them when required. The less time he spent with them the lower the chance of himself fucking up or receiving pity or even the straining friendships. Cause by this time everyone knew that Kaminari has commitment issues and can't keep a relationship. Some people were upset and pissed like Iida and Uraraka. Which was understandable since Todoroki was a good friend of theirs. And nobody likes to see their friend get hurt by a break up. Even though Todoroki never showed visible distraught, it was there and it was nice seeing him get comforted by his friends and boyfriend/s(?). He has recently been seeing Midoriya, Kirishima, Todoroki and Bakugou get a bit too friendly so they are more likely dating each other. Which is nice. They are moving on from him and finding comfort in each other. Something that Kaminari will never be able to do but at least they could. He doesn't need to inflict more harm than good. They were better off without him. Well, that was what he was saying to himself every time he saw them. Out of everyone in the class Sero, Mina and Jirou were the only ones that tried to remain friends with Kaminari. Everyone else was slowly drifting away and keeping a distance except Ojirou. They continued to talk to each other and he still let him play with his tail but it wasn't as frequent as before though which is a shame. Kaminari didn't blame his class for what was happening. This was his own fault. He should have been clear at the beginning, established boundaries, communicated and shouldn't have entered the relationship in the first place if he thought it wouldn't have worked but he didn't. And it was all his fault. He could only hope for them all to heal and move on.

Recently things haven been feeling like they are falling apart. Kaminari hasn't been feeling like himself. Again that could have been due to all of the changes and no longer having his parents watch over him. If you ask him, Kaminari wouldn't say that this is a good thing. He was once the best of the best and now he is slipping. He hadn't had any proper training in so long and it feels like he is growing weaker. The same with his research skills too cause the longer he watched Uraraka the more he felt like he was given the wrong information. Maybe the intel was wrong and there was a mix up or some shit. Because nothing was making sense and no matter how hard he tried it wouldn't fit. It didn't fit like how Bakugou, Kirishima, Todoroki and Midoriya fit. It was like a jigsaw puzzle that fit but it was two different pictures. Kaminari tried to remain strong, he really did try but he wasn't the same. Maybe it was due to his parents, his treatment by his class or a completely different thing but he wasn't the same person he was three years ago and he lowkey kind of missed him but at the same time he was kind of glad that the old version was gone because now he felt more human and it felt nice. Sure he was confused and didn't know what the fuck was going on even though he pretend he knew. It's just at times he felt behind even though he was ahead of everyone's skills. But maybe that could be due to his lack of a childhood and having the need to make up for it really quickly in such a short time.

Giana, Dabi and Hawks had found a reasonable therapist that was willing to work with Kaminari after they told her that he was a special case. His appointment with her is on the 23 of December, two days before Christmas, at 11:10 for the rest of the day, probably depending on whether he can handle it or not. Kaminari was not nervous at all, he was just anxious about her attitude because he would be spilling as if he was Niagara Falls and there was no stopping him from doing that. He wanted to get better and get some help. He can't hurt the next person or anyone else ever again. He can't go back to his old self. He was going to improve and move on like everyone else. So when the day came he was confident and prepared. He only had to wait 10 minutes in the lobby and he would be next. Eventually after some time the therapist finally came out. The therapist had short blue hair, really pale skin, blue eyes and was roughly 5'3 (roughly 160cm). She wore a flowy grey sweater dress with a turtleneck attached to it. She wore black stilettos and had a white scarf wrapped around her neck loosely. She had waved at Both Kaminari and Giana and motioned him to come inside. Giana stayed back at the lobby while she continued to fill in the paperwork. All Kaminari had to do was breathe and everything will be okay.

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