Sunny Days

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Bennett's trying to come out to his parters :]


Would they be fine with it? Surely they would, wouldn't they? They said they'd be there for him anyway and besides, Xingqiu was trans and Chongyun was also non binary, why wouldn't they accept him? Why was he worrying so much about this? Maybe he could try with one person first...

He peeked out of the room, seeing Chongyun and Xingqiu in the dining area. Chongyun seated on one of the chairs facing away from him while Xingqiu was on the opposite side. They seemed to be talking about something, Xingqiu having the grocery list in his hands. Razor on the other hand, was in the room resting at the moment so Bennett didn't disturb him.


Bennett whipped his head back to the pair after glancing over to Razor, hearing Xingqiu talk.

"Good morning Benny!"

Busted... Bennett opened the door and left the room. "Good morning."

"What's up?"

"Nothing much."

"Eh? Come on, don't lie. Why else would you be peeking at us?"

"Well that's..."


"I..." He avoided Xingqiu's gaze, looking at Chongyun who only stared back at him with a curious gaze.

Xingqiu only watched before guessing. "Did you both fight?"

"What? No!" Bennett and Chongyun looked away from each other and at Xingqiu.

"Why would we fight?" The exorcist asked.

"Who knows, that's what I'm asking the both of you."

It's now or never...

"Uh guys?"

"What is it?" Xingqiu asked, giving Bennett basically all his attention.

"I think" Come on...

"Take your time." Chongyun said, reaching up to Bennett's back.

"See like...I-I think I'm non-binary." He spat out, his voice accidentally raised slightly as he tripped over his words. Bennett kept his eyes at feet, squeezing them shut, afraid to look at his partners. He wouldn't get rejected, he kept telling himself over and over but it still scared him.

There was no immediate response but suddenly he felt a pair of arms wrap gently around him. He relaxed a little and opened his eyes.


"Thanks for telling us." His tone was gentle, letting go of the embrace, Xingqiu held onto Bennett's hands. "What pronouns do you prefer then?"

"Um he, they.."

"Alright." Xingqiu smiled, giving the ash blond a little pat on the head.

Chongyun stood up, giving Bennett a quick hug from the side as Xingqiu let go. The exorcist mumbled a quick "I love you" before stopping the hug.

Bennett blinked, feeling indescribably happy and feeling like a load left his chest. He giggled, wiping away the tears that formed at the side of his eyes.

"Thank you."

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