Light To Call Home

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Author's Notes :
This story has depictions of eating disorders, if uncomfortable, please click away now.
This was a stress reliever/self indulgent fic i started last year HAHAH

In Singapore, we have this thing during our last year of secondary school where we can go for interviews at polytechnics for a chance to secure a place to study there after graduation.
So thats what the first part means if you don't understand.


"It's very important to think about what you want to do after graduation. If you haven't started to think about it, I suggest you do it now."

Xingqiu inwardly sighed, staring at the paper in front of him on his desk. His pencil case sat at the corner of the paper, making sure it didn't fly while his hands were on his lap. He leaned forward instead of the usual good posture. What I want to do, huh? Well he knew for certain that he wanted to stay with his boyfriends. Would they even keep contact after graduating? Actually no, that was dumb. Of course they would, wouldn't they? He casted a glance at Razor who sat beside him. The grey haired was preoccupied writing something on his own paper.

The worksheet was just a simple post-graduation planner which Xingqiu was hesitant to fill up. Yeah, things could change later even if he did the worksheet but he hadn't exactly thought about it properly. He always pushed it to the side, not wanting to consider the options until, well, now. They were in September, some time until their final exams in October-November which by then people would usually be frantically studying all the time. He could always go to business, follow his father and brother but was that what he wanted? What if the other three weren't there?

He hadn't realised that he was scratching his hands at that point. Was he scared? He's fine with the way things are now. He'd think of going to college. Would there be less time to hangout with his friends? With the three people he loved so dearly? He looked up, suddenly feeling like something light hit his back. Looking at the culprit, he saw Hu Tao waving at him with the usual grin she wore before pointing to Chongyun who was staring at him. Eh? The light blue haired gave him a questioning look, accompanied by a loose thumbs up. Oh oops. He quickly forced a smile, returning the gesture and picked up the paper ball that was now on the floor.

He held the paper in his right hand, his left used to pick up his pen as he began scribbling random letters onto the paper before canceling them. He frowned, quickly writing that he wanted to major in business. He just wanted to get it over and done with. He felt a little envious towards others who knew exactly what they wanted to do that they went for interviews to get to college easier than other competing people. His parents would probably want him to continue "family line" or something but knowing him, that was definitely not what he wanted.

He's discussed all this with the others before, including friends such as Xinyan and Xiangling. Bennett also seemed very relaxed over this whole thing while not really having a plan as well. The last he checked in, the four of them simply just wanted to be together no matter what. Razor voiced his desire to work with animals too. He flipped through the rest of the paper, the back was some target planning in order to get to wherever you wanted to go to. He filled it up rather easily, his target grades always being an 'A'. Of course realistically, sometimes he'd get a grade lower. Does he beat himself up over it? Definitely not! (He does.)


"...tumn? Qiu?"

Xingqiu blinked, looking up and facing Bennett. The four of them were at a cafe near Bennett's home since they were going to have a sleepover. After all, what's better than having a sleepover with the people you love the most on a Friday night? Xingqiu, not realising that he had been zoning out, had been staring at the same page of his book for probably far too long. "What is it?"

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