143 (Part 1)

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tws : suicide attempt. mentions of blood. hinted alcohol abuse.

theres some attempt at humour in part 2. part two is more light :]
also author cannot write anything non angst.
also logic doesn't exist here.
also if there's a slip up on cy's pronouns, forgive me </3


Chongyun paced around the room, stopping every few minutes to check their phone or look out of their window. They aren't sure why they're walking in circles, realising this made it feel weird. They actually stopped after gaining control of their body, breathing in deeply and sitting down at the dining table. They stared at the silver key on the table, unsure of its purpose. It looked as if it had never been used, still clean of rust.

They groaned, ultimately standing up again. They looked around their apartment, eyes landing on the messy stack of books Xingqiu had mysteriously gifted them last night. It had come in a package after their little outing with their boyfriends. There was a note that was unmistakably Xingqiu's writing, telling him to enjoy them. Now that was weird. Chongyun has never been one for books, especially the martial arts ones like a certain prankster. They would definitely not enjoy them. In addition, they recognised all of the titles and book covers. The books being Xingqiu's favourites. He'd reread them over and over, sometimes getting Chongyun to read to him as well.

They tried texting in the group chat last night after receiving the gift but there was no response from Xingqiu. Bennett had mentioned that he and Razor also got something from the navy haired as well as a silver key like theirs. Bennett said he had gotten Xingqiu's jacket which was something Bennett often borrowed and Razor got what was undeniably Xingqiu's childhood plush, which according to Xingqiu, it was also his "comfort" plush.

Chongyun would be lying if they said they weren't worried. They were tempted to go visit their boyfriend, Hell, they even changed and almost walked out of their door one or two hours ago. It was already four in the afternoon and it's not like Xingqiu to sleep in this late. To be fair, their outing ended at two in the morning.

They thought back, thinking about the day prior. There wasn't much out of place. Or rather, there were a lot of things that were concerning but they went through an entire week of that "weird" behaviour until today. For example, Xingqiu insisted on paying for everything. The other three felt guilty but the former really didn't take no for an answer. Xingqiu had also dragged them out to buy things like clothes but never anything for himself. He looked as if he'd cry and snapped when insisted that something would be bought for him but then resumed being super cheerful when the whole ordeal was over.

They weren't sure why but they thought about it hard. Xingqiu had said that he'd be busy today, which was the only thing stopping Chongyun from visiting him. At the end of the date, Xingqiu's goodbye was odd now that Chongyun thought about it. He seemed to refuse to say "see you later" or anything equivalent when Bennett waved him goodbye. Xingqiu even said something like "don't miss me too much". He's never said that before. And why'd he word it like that anyway? There was nothing from Xingqiu after the four parted ways. Not even an "I'm home" message.

Their brows furrowed before sending a text to Bennett and Razor to meet them at Xingqiu's apartment. The two agree quickly, saying that they weren't doing much anyway. Chongyun grabbed the silver key and their valuables, slipping on their black slippers, they walked out their front door.

The walk suddenly felt so long, if it could even be called a walk at all. Chongyun was practically jogging at that point. It really wasn't that far but Chongyun was out of breath. They reached Xingqiu's block, intending to wait for the pair at the lobby while also trying to calm themselves down.

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