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implied/referenced self-harm
this is scar worship but absolutely no smut, author dislikes smut.

also only benqiu is here and this would take place when they're around 18-19 years old.


Bennett and Xingqiu were sitting down on their bed, both facing each other. Their clothes were thrown to the side so all they wore were their boxers (and a sports bra for Xingqiu). It's not like they hadn't seen each other naked before anyway, they've literally showered together before for crying out loud. Bennett sat cross legged while Xingqiu had his legs stretched out around Bennett.  They sat in comfortable silence most of the time, talking slowly in hushed voices even though they were the only ones at home.

Xingqiu traced over the rough skin on Bennett's wrist gently as if it would hurt if he pressed too hard. It's not hard to figure out what had happened. Somewhat neat rows of short cuts near his boyfriend's wrist. Only someone oblivious to the acts of self destruction wouldn't know what these were.

"I'm sorry." Xingqiu apologises quietly.

Bennett lets out a tittering laugh. "For what?"

They both know the answer but there's really no reason to apologise, after all, all they blame is themselves.

The question goes unanswered anyway. Bennett reaches out, hand slowly tracing the scars on Xingqiu's stomach. It isn't safe on the stomach, Bennett wants to tell him but what place is he in to do so? Bennett moves his hand slightly higher, earning a flinch from Xingqiu. Bennett backs away just as quickly.


"It's okay..." Xingqiu falters before repeating himself in a more firm tone. "It's fine. It's just..."

"I get it." Bennett interrupts him quickly.

Xingqiu laughs. "One day I'll get my burdens off of my chest."

Bennett smiles at the joke, allowing Xingqiu to lift his arm up. The navy haired planted a kiss on his partner's wrist.


"I read that kisses make scars go away faster." Xingqiu says, holding Bennett's hand. It was definitely not true, especially if it came from a romance novel but Xingqiu wasn't going to throw away a chance to be affectionate.

"Oh!" Bennett nodded, quickly bending forward to kiss Xingqiu's thigh before sitting up again with a big grin.

A giggle escapes Xingqiu, using his free hand, he rubs his thumb over a scar on Bennett's shoulder. "What happened here?"

"Hm? I thought I already told you." Bennett tilts his head.

"Yeah but I forgot." Xingqiu replies although his tone makes it sound like he's lying.

Bennett shakes his head, not bothering to argue and choosing to "believe" in Xingqiu's lie. "I fell off my bike a few years ago. Did I really not tell you that before?"

"Hmm..." Xingqiu hums, pretending to be thinking. "Nope!"

"Now you're really joking!" Bennett accuses, laughing despite himself. "I remember I told you that when we were at the carnival and then—!"

Bennett pauses abruptly, Xingqiu only smiling as Bennett rambled. "Hm? Why'd you stop?"

"You're teasing me, aren't you?" Bennett asks, his face reddening.

"Sorry, I couldn't help it." Xingqiu laughs, ruffling Bennett's hair.

Bennett clears his throat, forcing himself to calm down. "My turn!"

"Your turn?" Xingqiu asked, confused as he began rubbing the back of Bennett's palm with his thumb.

"Mhm!" Bennett nods before beginning. "I love you so much!"

"Huh? I mean I—"

"Nope, shush." Bennett quickly places a hand over Xingqiu's mouth. It wasn't that hard although Xingqiu would have definitely overreacted as a joke about it on any other occasion.

"You're the best boyfriend ever and I think you're really handsome—Well, I mean, I love Cloud and Razor too!"

Xingqiu gently peels Bennett's hand off his face, it wasn't that hard to do so, it's not like the ash blond was putting a lot of pressure on his hand. He tries to laugh. "Is that so..."

"I'm not done!" Bennett says quickly, effectively shutting Xingqiu up. "Anyway! You're really talented and smart. Looking at you makes me really happy, just like how Razor enjoys stargazing!"

Xingqiu was avoiding eye contact at that point. "You...you really threw a pun in there so casually huh?"

"No way! What are you talking about?" Bennet smiles innocently.

"How do you even say that so...are you not embarrassed?"

"Hm? Are you embarrassed?"

"No, I'm not." Xingqiu shakes his head quickly. He's honestly just filled with euphoria, mainly at being called "boyfriend" and "handsome" that he wants to start crying, with joy of course. Xingqiu stands up quickly, yanking Bennett off the bed.

"Wh—?!" Bennett catches himself, standing up properly and facing his partner. He hasn't had time to process what had happened before feeling Xingqiu's chapped lips on his. They pull away a little while later when they run out of oxygen.

The pair stand in awkward silence before Xingqiu breaks it with more laughter. He throws himself onto the bed, flipping himself on his back and gesturing for Bennett to lie next to him.

Bennett smiles, bending down to pick up the clothes that had been thrown away some time ago. "Want to go to sleep soon?"

"You're tired?" Xingqiu sits up.

Bennett shook his head, passing Xingqiu his clothes before wearing his own. "No, just asking."

"Well, good." Xingqiu takes off his bra before wearing his top, sliding himself off the bed again to wear his pants. "I brought this book I'd like you to read to me."

"Of course!"

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