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i just realised the first sentence for this and Drizzle is the same oops 💀

this has implied character death and some chinese/buddhist funeral custom reference which is explained at the bottom


Xingqiu cracks open an eye, the room is still dark but he feels as though someone is next to him. He's still laying on his stomach and the blanket on his back is almost covering his whole body as the other looks down at him.

"Good afternoon."

Xingqiu hears the familiar light voice he knew and loved before he mumbled something incoherent as he turns his head to rest his forehead on his right arm, his left hand lying on top of his phone which was playing some music he can't quite make out.

"You've been napping for five hours now." Chongyun says, poking at Xingqiu's phone beside him. "Bennett said they bought food for you less than ten minutes ago, you'd better eat it soon."

Xingqiu knows. He saw the notification earlier but he hasn't quite bothered to get up. After a few moments of silence, he breathed in a heavy sigh and reluctantly pushed himself up. Turning off the song that was playing, he slowly pushed himself off the bed, abandoning his phone as he left the room sluggishly with Chongyun trailing behind silently.

Xingqiu makes his way to the dining table, sitting himself in front of the packet of rice on the table. He opens the packet, staring at the contents for a moment before picking up the plastic spoon and slowly eating a few grains of rice. He sighs again, leaning forward and lying on the table beside his food. He poked at it a little before turning to face away and ignore the food entirely.

"A' Qiu," Chongyun calls, "aren't you going to eat?"

Xingqiu swallows, turning back to the food. He feels bad about wasting Bennett's money but his appetite was pretty much non-existent. He slowly gets up, forcing himself to eat a few more spoonfuls and then pushes the packet away slightly. He can eat it later anyway.

Chongyun doesn't say anything as Xingqiu stands up to leave the dining table. At the same time, Bennett walks out of the kitchen. The ash blond smiles, following Xingqiu who was walking over to the couch.

"Hey, Star!" Bennett greets, sitting next to Xingqiu. "Want tea? Razor's making some."

Xingqiu shrugs, reaching for the book on the coffee table. "Sure."

"Mm tea?" Chongyun pipes up, looking sort of dejected.

"Yun would prefer water?" Xingqiu blurts, sounding more like a question than a statement.

Bennett stares at Xingqiu silently, his expression unreadable before quickly changing the topic. "Was that rice not to your liking? I thought you said you really liked it last time."

"Ah...I'm just not hungry right now." Xingqiu half lies. "I'll eat it later."

"Are you sure? If it's too cold later—"

"I can reheat it." Xingqiu forces a smile. "Thank you."

"Alright then." Bennett hums, looking over at his husband.

Xingqiu opened the book to a random page, it wasn't a story book after all. Just a book he had read through more than twenty times by then. His eyes slowly drift away to Chongyun who was quietly sitting on the far end of the couch. Xingqiu blinks, looking away when he hears Razor come out from the kitchen with a jug of peach tea. Razor quickly puts it down, making another trip for some cups before sitting on Xingqiu's other side, leaving Xingqiu in the middle. Xingqiu watches as Razor pours the tea into all the cups, frowning slightly.

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