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General :

Bennett : He/They
Chongyun : They/He/Snow
Xingqiu : He/She/They
Razor : He/It

Mutiverse :

• Chongyun and Bennett tend to stick together (same w/ xingqiu & razor) when it comes to random convos [when it isn't their usual liyue/monds pairs]

• They usually have a rotation for chores except for cooking. Chongyun and Razor usually do the cooking. (Xingqiu cooks sometimes and Bennett often burns his dishes...his bfs still eat it though unless its actually inedible-)

• Although they try not to keep secrets from each other, xq and benny both kept it a secret of each other's bad habits unless they decided to open up by themselves.

• Razor had already caught a glimpse of Xingqiu's bandages until his hoodie before but kept silent

• Bennett always said his injuries were from accidents due to his bad luck

• Sometimes the four of them have this session where they're mostly just looking at each other's body/skin (no not in the sexual way. Just those affectionate ones with consent and running over old scars)

• xq is clingy. Thats it. Oh benny too

• cy gets paranoid if he finds xq's place of the bed empty in the middle of the night

• xq still does work for the guild but he's mostly only helping his brother really

• cy still does exorcism

• razor loves visiting the zoo

• Razor sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night/stays up to go stargazing
(The rest in turn sometimes join him when they can)
^^ Razor loves stargazing

• Xiangling and Xinyan drop by sometimes, the chef usually just wanting to show them something new she came up with.
Xinyan usually offers to sing them a song too

• Chongyun usually doesn't use the blanket at night which would make xingqiu be unable to use it as well sometimes but he's meh about it

• They share a big bed together. (left to right) Razor, Benny, Chongyun, Xingqiu
sometimes Chongyun and xingqiu change places

• Bennett and Razor messes up xq and cy's names at times although they dislike doing so. The other two are fine with it

• Xingqiu loves (using) pet names :]

• Bennett (sometimes Razor) calls Xingqiu "Star" or "Autumn"
Star because of Xing even though xq's one is a different word

• They all call cy as cloud at times (self explanatory)

• Bennett and Chongyun are enby

• Depending on my mood/fic-
Xingqiu is trans male/gender fluid
^^ gender fluid, he has these coloured bands/bracelets he wears depending on his mood (blue for he/him etc)

• Xingqiu always calls Razor his little wolf/puppy

• They take turns going grocery shopping (often in pairs though)
sometimes the whole group goes together (and you know how grocery shopping goes. buying random stuff instead of things they actually need)

• Also. Chongyun can acoustic guitar & Bennett can sing

GI Universe :

I like to think they live together in a house nearby dawn winery!!
- theres a direct path leading to liyue and monds's city.
- its near wolvendom
- yeah thats it

• since they're Diluc's neighbours, sometimes they hang out when the elder is free

• Fischl visits the sometimes or vise versa (They also go meet the adventurer guilds, mainly Bennett's "dads", at times)

• Sometimes they go camping at wolvendom

• Razor still dislikes visiting Monds city and Liyue harbour but sometimes does it anyway when the others go. The others make sure he's comfy at all times.

• Chongyun's exorcism commissions are often only in Liyue and the others (usually Xingqiu, sometimes bennett) would go with him. [he always insist he's fine going alone]
Razor rarely tags along with him alone but he does when he doesn't want cy going alone

• They don't really feel jealous about each other (mond/liyue pair) tagging up more than mixing around seeing as thats how it was before they all got together.

Modern au :

• Razor and Benny sometimes travel back to meet their family/friends (mostly Razor but Bennett tags along)

• I like to think Benny & Razor moved nearer to xingyun because the other two have jobs and they don't exactly do so-

• In most of my fics, before all of them moved in together, Bennett and Razor are already living together mostly/Razor is always over at Bennett's house that it may as well also be his own LOL

Most likely to!! :

most likely to wake up first in the morning : If you count 1am+, Razor, if sun rise morning, maybe Xingqiu
but it really depends. Xingqiu loves sleeping in but his body clock </3
Chongyun will wake up if theres a job or wants to train
Bennett will wake up if he has someone planned like going out for an adventure or something

most likely to take the longest to get ready : honestly? idk but maybe just for the sake of the question, probably xq since putting on a binder takes a while

who's more likely to start an argument : xingqiu probably who knows

most likely to apologise first after an argument : If involving all of them, Bennett or Razor

most likely to stay up all night : Razor or Xingqiu (Bennett will pull an all nighter at times)

most likely to swear a lot : Xingqiu

most likely to hog the shower : ignoring second question. Chongyun for cold water u-u

(feel free to donate questions, im desperate LMAO)

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