Chapter 13: The Golden Letter

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(Y/N)'s POV
When we finally got back to the castle, I ran to my room. I was a little traumatized by that incident.
Wei Xiang ended up comforting me and I my eyelids began to droop.

The next thing I know, I blacked out. When I woke up, I was in Wei Xiang's arms. He was hugging me protectively, as if something wanted to kill me.

Without realizing, my cheeks turned into a shade of light pink. "Good morning, tomato-chan" Wei Xiang said as he opened his eyes, revealing his captivating hazel eyes.

"U-um...good morning, Wei Xiang, what happened yesterday?" I asked. "You needn't to know..." He said and patted my head.

I nodded and got up. "Eh...dont leave!" He said and pulled me back. My eyes widened in shock. "W-Wei Xiang! I got to get ready for the day" I whined.

"No! I wanna stay with you in bed" Wei Xiang pouted. "Unless...we can take a shower together" he winked.

"W-What?! N-No!" I shouted in embarrassment. "Hehe, im just messing with you, tomato-chan. I'll leave you be for now" he said and kissed my forehead.

He then quickly ran away with a proud smirk on his face. I decided to ignore him and got ready for my day.

I walked down the halls and accidentally bumped into Haru while turning around the corner.

"Ah! I'm so sorry" I bowed up and down. "Its alright...I should've watched wear i was going..." He said.

"By the way...since you always wonder around the castle, don't go to the throne in the west wing tomorrow" Haru said.

"Why?" I asked. "Just dont go there. Don't ask so many questions" he said and walked away.

I pouted as my curiosity grew. I quickly walked back to my room to see if the maid has brought me my breaofast.

"Ah! Miss, there you are" she said and bowed. "Ah, good morning. May I ask what is happening in the west wing's thrones tomorrow?" I asked her.

"oh, you didnt know?" She said with a smile. "Apparently, the prince I'd getting crowned as king, in another words, its his coronation tomorrow" she continued.

"Ohh, what time is it?" I asked. "You don't have to worry about that, only the most trusted people can go in order to hide his identity. Other than that, we just have to continue on our jobs like normal" she said.

"Ohh, thanks for telling me" I said. "Alright, if there are no other questions, ill be taking my leave" she said and left.

I proceeded to eat my breakfast while thinking what the coronation would be like, how he prince would look, how many people will be there and stuff like that.

"What to do now..." I said as I laid on my bed. Suddenly, a knock came on my door and I opened it. Haru was standing there with a stern expression, almost deadly.

"Miss (L/N), you will be working on the most important project than you have ever did in your life, read this letter, and do not let me or him down, or they'll be deadly consequences." he said.

"Oh, after you've finished reading, come to the garden" he said and left, but not before handing me a red silk envelope.

I opened it carefully and saw a golden paper letter inside. I unfolded it and began reading.

'To (Y/N) (L/N),

I want you to craft the most perfect shoes for an important occasion, the colors should be gold and red, you may add other colors, but keep in mind that if you want to add other colors, don't let it clash with gold or red.

It is very important that you get it right, I want it to be made of either silk, leather or velvet. I have requested for you to craft it because the shoes you made were extraordinary.

You'll be given only two das to complete it.

Do not let me down.


The letter ended with the familiar initial. It was the same initial of the person who gave me the other half of the heart-shaped necklace.

I quickly put on a yellow sundress given to me when I got this job. I kept the letter and envelope safely in a pocket and began walking to the garden.

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