Chapter 15: A Slow Death

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Gore in this chapter!

(Y/N)'s POV
They were slowly walking towards me, with a mischievous glint glowing in their eyes.

Rosette slit the knife through my sides and I screamed in agony. It felt as if my sides were lit on fire. Blood poured down from the wounds and dripped onto the stone floor.

"You stole that boy from me! You deserve to perish!" Marina said angrily before using her dagger to pierce through my hand.

I screamed even more and begged them to stop. "I didn't steal that boy from you! I don't even know who you're talking about!" I shouted.

"Lies!" She said and took out a pocket knife. She slowly dragged the sharp tip of the pocket knife across my cheek, making my red essence slowly flow down to my neck.

"And now! Im going to cut your legs so slowly so you won't be able to walk!" Rosette said and walked to a table.

She picked up an axe and I stared at her in horror. "No! Please don't do it" I begged her but she walked towards me and slowly started to raise the axe.

I shut my eyes and quickly and prepared myself for the incoming pain, but nothing happened. So, i slowly opened my eyes.

A pair of grey eyes looked at me with s hint of sorrow. "(Y/N), I'm sorry i couldn't protect you..." Wei Xiang's soothing voice rang through my ears.

"Wei....Xiang?" I mumbled slowly before passing out because of blood loss.

Wei Xiang's POV
I looked as my poor (Y/N) fainted from blood loss. I took the chance to kiss her lips and ecstasy ran through my veins. Her lips were so soft with a tinge of sweetness in them. However, they were also pale and small droplets of blood could be seen under the skin of her precious lips.

I looked at the women disgustingly and chained them up to the wall. " toys to play with..." I whispered to myself.

I brought (Y/N) to my room and placed her on my bed. I grabbed a medicine kit and started bandaging her injured torso. I wiped her blood with a small alcohol wipe and she winced a little.

I smiled a little and placed a plaster on her cheek. Then, she slowly began to relax and I gave her a quick peck on the lips.

"I love you, my tomato-chan" i said and left the room. I walked back to the stone dungeon and waited for my toys to awake.

I sat on a chair and began sharpening the weopens to be used on my toys. 'How dare they hurt my (Y/N)...I'll make them pay...' I thought as I held a sharp knife.

I polished it and it shone brightly. I looked at my victims as they began to arise from their slumber.

"Time to have fun" I chuckled to myself. I walked over to them and crouched down. "Its you! Are you here to confess your love for me?!" A woman said excitedly, clearly lost in her delusions.

'Why not have fun with them first?' I thought. I began to flirt with them endlessly, making them blush. The plump one began to purse her lips
towards mine.

I leaned in a little before chuckling evilly. I took out my knife and slashed her cheeks brutally, just like what she did to my poor tomato-chan.

Marina screamed in pain and I laughed. Her screams were like music to my ears. I dragged my knife from her shoulder towards her palms. Blood began to form as she begged for me to stop.

I turned my head to the slimmer one and cut her sides, leaving a deep wound. I proceeded to trace my knife on her stomach before stabbing it in and pulling it down.

As I did this, she remained silent. 'Hmm...interesting..' I smirked. Her guts poured out but she isn't dead yet. I then tried to make her scream but nothing worked.

At least, an idea formed in my head as I picked up a bloody knife. I raised it up and striked the axe onto her legs, cutting them off.

She winced a little but still didnt scream. "Tch, you're no fun" I said and sliced her head off. Her head rolled onto the ground and the plump woman or Marina, looked at me in fear.

I stabbed her thigh with my knife and she screaned even more. "Yes, stab me like that...I love you so much. Please, take my heart! We'll be together if you do that!" She happily said.

I looked at her in pure disgust before saying "as you wish". I carved out her eyeballs and they bounced onto the floor like fishballs.

She still hasn't died. Instead, she said "why did you do that? Now I can't see your handsome face, oh well, at least I've remembered how handsome you look" she said dreamily.

'Masochist...she turned masochist...becuase of delusions' i thought. I decided to end things here and stabbed her heart using my polished knife.

I kicked the dead bodies into a dark side of the dungeon and walked back to my room. Luckily, no one saw me as i successfully reached my room.

I took a bath and washed my hair. "Ah..shoot. My clothes..." I said and looked at my bloody clothes. 'I guess I'll wash them later...' I thought as I stepped out of the bath.

I wrapped a towel around my torso and took a smaller towel to dry my hair. I walked out and wanted to reach my closet to get some new clothes, but I stopped when I saw (Y/N) staring at me, as red dusted her face.

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