Part 15

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Lu Feng was not gentle, that was a rather large understatement. He was violent with how he handled him, and Xiao Chen was distantly shocked that he even bothered to prepare him before entering him, something that he nearly cried in relief to. His body did not let him struggle, not nearly as much as he wanted to, but even that it would seem angered Lu Feng, as he grabbed him by his hair fingers curled wrenching his head up to become flush with his mouth. 

"You are mine." The words were said simply, as though there was nothing more that he could be. "Mine," Xiao Chen yelped as he was abruptly dropped to the bed once more, the relief from the position having strained the ropes against him drowned out through the pain that proceeded Lu Feng entering him in one go, and not waiting for him to be fully adjusted before continuing to thrust in and out of him. He did not do anything, but let the tears fall as he felt his body slowly react to the sensations. Lu Feng knew what he was doing, despite everything, and had managed to make it not nearly as painful as it could have been, and his body was reflecting that, leaving him a huge mess of humiliation and shame. Lu Feng blanketed him, bearing his weight down on him as he turned his head to face him, and kissed him roughly. 

Xiao Chen felt himself responding, not knowing what else to do, and not wanting to get him potentially even more angry, deciding to just give in, just this once. The kiss was aggressive, just as everything else, and though he should not, Xiao Chen felt himself falling into it and his eyes fluttering. To the point that he even whined when the other pulled away from him and mentally cursed the act, knowing that he should not be doing this. This was bad. Not that he really had any choice in the matter, though, he was not really able to refuse Lu Feng. 

He supposed this was just the progression of his actions. In a way, he knew full well Lu Feng could crueler than what he had been as the other dropped on top of him, not releasing him from the bonds just yet, leaving them conjoined and Xiao Chen shaking in fear and out of cold and disgust and self hatred. How could his body betray him, but even more so, how could he have just...not fought more? He knew that it was useless, but maybe...maybe he could have spoken to Lu Feng...

But that was even more a useless action. He knew that Lu Feng would not see reason, he would not allow him to talk and had Xiao Chen tried to reason with him, to beg or plead with him, it was more than likely he would have just gagged him to silence him, which was not a very ideal picture either, so he supposed there was not much more that he could have done, and he was not sure that even if thereh ad been it would have been wise to do so. Lu Feng was incredibly volatile at this point, and Xiao Chen was just now realizing how stupid it was to think that he could leave before Lu Feng allowed him. Sensors? On each of the doors, they probably were off during the time Lu Feng was here, and he likely had turned them on when he left. It was a test, one that he had failed miserably by attempted to actually escape, despite the fact that it was unlikely that he would have been able to do so anyways. Now, thinking on it, Xiao Chen had been so overcome with getting away, he had not thought of any of the other things. Such as, he did not have money to escape. He could not get a taxi, he could not get a bus, or a plane. He would be stuck in South Korea. Furthermore, he did not speak Korean, he did not know the language, he would not have been able to communicate. He did not know where the nearest town was, he had no idea where the police station was, and even if he did go to the police who knew if they would actually be able or even willing to help him. He was a foreigner. 

He had to give Lu Feng credit for one thing. He had thoroughly thought out just how he would take Xiao Chen to make him as horribly helpless as possible. Then again, Lu Feng had always been able to rip Xiao Chen's emotions to shreds with just a look or a sentence, he supposed that it was not that far of a shocker that he knew just how to get to all of his insecurities. In a way, perhaps it was...almost endearing, that Lu Feng had taken such great lengths to try and ensure that he stayed with him...and then Xiao Chen whined, the thought bringing tears to his eyes. He did not know what he was thinking! Lu Feng was not...No...

He could not be having these thoughts. The things that Lu Feng had done, that he was doing, that he had just done to him, and he dare to think that it was somewhat endearing? Really? He had just been taken forcibly against his will, time and time again until Lu Feng was satisfied. How was that possibly endearing. Xiao Chen could not let himself fall, but he also did not know just how much more he could take. He did truly love Lu Feng, and he was horrified and saddened by the state of his previous lover.

Lu Feng slowly moved at the sound, dragging his body off of Xiao Chen, and moving to unbind him, the ropes had left deep red marks around his ankles and wrists, grabbing him and pulling his exhausted figure upwards into his arms, before carting them off to the bathroom. To clean up, Xiao Chen knew logically but he could not help but whine, and try to drag himself away from Lu Feng when he was placed on the floor for the other to get the shower working. Lu Feng moved quickly, grabbing him once more and shoving him into the small shower cubicle, letting him lean against the wall of the shower. 

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