31 - Answers

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Nad pulled a blanket over a sleeping Yzus, curled up in a ball in a shirt that was so big for her that it covered her entire body. As Nad tucked her in she hummed softly and pressed her face into the fabric of the bed. Given the excitement of the past hour, it hadn't been long before she tired out.

Sung watched awkwardly as Nad ran his hand through Yzus's hair and leant down to whisper a goodnight. When he was sure she was properly asleep, he moved away and turned his attention back to the crew with another wide smile. Once again Sung noticed how new the expression seemed. It was like he was looking at a whole other person.

"Hey Nad, could we talk?" he asked unsurely.

"What about?"

"Well... How you're acting is a little, different. Like, towards Yzus... Are you feeling alright?"

Nad breathed a small laugh and started walking towards them.

"I feel fine, Sung, don't worry. But there is something I should tell you." He paused, looking back at Yzus for a moment. "Somewhere else though. Brian, can you keep an eye on Yzus for me?"

Brian, who had been standing in the corner with a vague frown, nodded shortly and proceeded to stand at the edge of Yzus's bed. His eyes locked onto the sleeping girl and as the group followed Nad out of the room he didn't move another muscle. Sung hoped Yzus wouldn't be too freaked out when she woke up.

Nad took them into the common room and asked them all to sit down. When Sung sat down he felt something land on his lap, and jumped a little when he saw Angus curling up to sit on him. He pet the "cat" tentatively but returned his attention back to Nad when it started to purr in his lap. He still couldn't get over the fact that his childhood pet was a shape shifting alien.

Nad was sat across from them, a thoughtful look on his face as if searching for something to say.

"What is it you wanted to tell us?" queried Meouch curiously.

Nad gave a small smile and met their eyes.

"I remember everything," he said proudly. "Well, I think. It still feels a little jumbled in my head, but I think I've got all the pieces as least."

"What? How?" Sung exclaimed, excited but also a little unnerved by Nad's sudden acquisition of knowledge.

"When I attacked Yzus, I think we connected in some way." Nad shrugged. "I dunno, but I was suddenly hit with all these memories that I didn't know I had. It was really weird!"

Nad laughed a little about it before his face became more serious, and he continued: "I remember my family now. My parents, my sisters, Yzus and Nira."

A solemn expression passed over his face and he touched his necklace. He cleared his throat to get himself back on track. "This gem- the chief's gem, was passed down to me by the village elders. It's power is what keeps the void out."

"What's the void?" Widget blurted, but Nad looked just as confused as the mechanic.

"I-I don't know. The elders never got a chance to tell me... But without the gem, the void turns us into spiders. I couldn't use the gem when I first got it; the old chief started to turn before I figured out how to control it." He seemed to shudder at the memory. "Everyone was really freaked out until I managed to change him back into himself, it was awful! We all thought that it was okay after that, that I'd managed to keep the void out after all. The elders were still a bit worried though, so they let me go back home for the night, I guess so they could talk about what happened. I was glad that I got to go home, until..."

Now Sung saw a familiar expression of terror reach Nad's face. His newly matured features became young and fearful once more as he seemed to play something through his head before he managed to snap himself out of it. When he started speaking again Sung realised he recognised this particular memory, or at least part of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2022 ⏰

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