17 - The Ship

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It was a little over a week until Havve was fully functioning again, limbs finally reattached and vocal system no longer glitching. Far too soon for Sung's liking, but he had to accept that it was happening. They were leaving.

That part was a relief; he was sick of the bland, small and generally unpleasant motel. Seeing the night sky from his window just wasn't enough anymore. Sung needed to be back up there, he couldn't stand being so grounded.

And so, when Havve was fixed, the group set off in direction of the garage their craft was being kept at. Havve, being an oddly manufactured robot, received a handful of confused glances, but his glaring red stare seemed to dissuade them from making any remarks. They didn't even mention anything when he took up two seats on the public transport.

For Sung, the journey passed in a blur. The closer they got, however, he felt his hand gravitating closer to his gun, expertly tucked away out of sight on his belt. All of them had their weapons on them - even Brian was permitted to carry a knife after he'd proved that he wouldn't turn it on any of them. And Nad, of course, had his gemstone, but Sung hoped he wouldn't have reason to use it since they still knew very little about the power it held. For all they knew Nad could completely lose control again and anything could happen then.

They made it to the lobby of the garage finally, and as they entered Sung felt instantly that something was wrong.

"Hello?" he called, but was met with silence.

The front desk was abandoned, the rolling chair thrown on its side and Sung felt a shudder down his spine at the sight. He remembered #69, the mechanic who had mysteriously disappeared, and the appearance of Yzus, the most likely culprit. If the tiny receptionist was gone too, that told them that Yzus was still here.

"Maybe we shouldn't do this?" said Meouch a little fearfully - and it took a lot to scare the proud feline.

"No, we have to!" insisted Nad.

Sung harshly shushed him, mindful of how quiet it was and how explosive Nad was being. He'd been like it all week: on edge, irritable and extremely disrespectful towards the rest of the crew. Even Phobos, usually docile by nature, seemed to be getting rubbed the wrong way by his attitude. Sung hoped that it was just because of the task at hand and that it wouldn't linger afterwards. If it did, it wouldn't be long before he'd be throwing Nad out into the abyss of space and leaving him there. Harsh, but Sung's fuse was seriously burning low at this point.

With a beckoning hand gesture Sung lead the way around to the metal staircase, wincing as the rickety structure screeched under the combined weight. He was thankful for his once again returning strength since he didn't have to drag himself by the railing and the group could move quickly. They reached the chamber where their craft was being kept, and they all seemed to pause on the balcony for a moment, staring at the home they were about to leave behind. Except Nad who, seeing their contemplative expressions, huffed in annoyance and made for the stairs.

"Come on! We haven't got all day!" he called over his shoulder sharply.

Brian followed just behind him, and Sung almost let a smile break through as the mute slapped the back of Nad's head harshly. The boy spun around in confusion, but Brian simply shoved past him on the stairs to show his displeasure at his behaviour. And Sung thought he was the parent in the relationship.

They gathered at the bottom, looking up at the craft. Sung narrowed his eyes at the state of the vessel, unchanged from his last visit. And with that came the sinking realisation that their new mechanic, #45 was also nowhere to be found. Just like the receptionist. It was as if the lot of them had been zapped from existence, and everything was left as it was.

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